I need some Info on the CNW Eau Claire sub. Speacificly track arangments. I’ve decided to rebuild my entire layout. This time I’m going to model the CNW Eau Claire sub. I have the Plet’s Express video CNW in Northwest Wisconsin, it shows alot of the Eau Claire sub, but it doesn’t show track arangements. I’m in need of the track arangement at Yukon Jct. Can anyone help me out here?
UseTerraserver - not too bad. Be aware that there was ‘right hand’ running double track here at one time(Omaha Road was different than the C&NW proper). East of Yukon Jct is the depot(south side of the tracks) and then Eau Claire Jct(SOO/Milw crossing and access to the large Uniroyal plant). The mainline continoued to the Chippewa River crossing(Gautlant trackage) and then west to the large Altoona Yard.
Do a google search on the Eau Claire Tower group - you will find track diagrams around Eau Claire Tower!
Jim Bernier
Thanks Jim, I didn’t think of Terra server. I knew about the right hand running. and i forgot all about the Eau Claire Tower group, as far as the gauntlet track, I just making that double track, I don’t have space for the Uniroyal plant Unfortuneatly