Coach Interiors

I just finished assembly of a few Athearn coaches. Does anyone know of interiors I can get for these? They are the heavy weights that are custom painted. They just seem to empty for me.

I think IHC makes some but if you look in Model Railroader magazine you will find ads for some.

I’ve had fun making my own coach seats from cardboard (backs) and balsa bits (seats). If you don’t have interior plan for your prototype, coach seats can be placed one to each window, except last window on each side should be sanded to simulate washrooms; make bulkheads from cardboard (watch roof clearance inside!) to wall off these washrooms. Walthers makes coach seats for heavyweight cars - 2 pcs., to be plastic-cemented together, for each seat. Pikestuff makes assembled coach seats in roes; most suitable for streamlined cars unless your road modernized their heavyweights.

I’ve had fun making my own coach seats from cardboard (backs) and balsa bits (seats). If you don’t have interior plan for your prototype, coach seats can be placed one to each window, except last window on each side should be sanded to simulate washrooms; make bulkheads from cardboard (watch roof clearance inside!) to wall off these washrooms. Walthers makes coach seats for heavyweight cars - 2 pcs., to be plastic-cemented together, for each seat. Pikestuff makes assembled coach seats in rows; most suitable for streamlined cars unless your road modernized their heavyweights.