[quote user=“Overmod”]
This is cute but utterly unprototypical in a number of respects.
Why on earth put a decoder with the sound of coal loading inside a car that is obviously and visibly full of coal already?
Sorry for your confusion its something you have to see to understand
The sound car is ahead of the car being loaded
I believe you mentioned that your coal tipple is ‘operational’;
See this video
why not then provide an appropriate size speaker and amplifier under the tipple connected to an appropriate sound module or decoder coordinated with dispensing coal into an initially-empty hopper car?
The car cuts the cost in half because it can be moved over to the coaling tower on the other side of the layout where a second sound modual would be needed
Likewise, you can have the much slower and different sound of coal being released through the hopper gates of an unloading car at whatever destination point(s) you have built,
The sound is the same as the speed of the discharge is the same since there are 2 discharge bays
. (If I were doing this I might arrange to have the coal ‘transported’ under the layout and returned to the tipple by some combination of belts and bucket chain, but it could just as easily be done periodically by cheap GHA…)<<<<< WHAT IS GHA ?
Its about 25 ft away so its just as easy to use a tupperware container and carry it back to the tipple and dump it in
I have no idea what the point of a lunch whistle in a hopper car is,
Most coal mines had lunch time whistles
The car is used for sound effects and is used in