COFFEE POT #1, January 2010 for all to take a drink and chat. Welcome all posters. 4 yrs old and still going. Sweet ice tea too.

As 2009 sinks in the west and 2010 rises in the east, I am starting the new Coffee Pot for 2010. Ready to hit the sack. Almost didn’t make it by going to bed. Guess it comes with age.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all on the forum, welcome to all those who have just joined us, best to and happy new year to CTT staff [Bob, Carl, Roger, Kent and others]. Bob, stay healthy.

Prayers for all who need them [especially Chuck, Bob and Brutus’ wife]. [angel]

Brent, don’t saw your leg off [sort of, “You’ll shoot your eye out.”]. [:-^]

Fifey, ahoy matey. [oX)]

LAZ, you will never get a deer. [}:)]

Pat, head em up, move em out. [^]

Mike C., chase that round ball all over the place. [xx(]

Shake and Bake, Oh no another name being added, Slide [:O]

Sir J., quite using grits for pot hole repairs and eat them. Then you will stay well. [:P]

Rich, you love FL better than NJ. We know. [bow]

Dennis, way to go man. Keep em living. [^]

RT, nothing can be said for you. [:slight_smile:]

Charlie and Kurt, don’t freeze. [:-,]

Jim T, cool guy. Hang in there. [8D]

Dougs a [|(]

John F, don’t get shocked. [#oops]

Jon E, climb out of that igloo. [:I]

OT, Bo

And you all have a good Happy New Years!!!

Could we make some of that up this morning----?[dinner][:-^]

Well said Chief. Wish the same for you and all the gang here. May God Bless each of you and your families.


Happy New Year!!!

Looking forward to another great year on the CTT forum.

Good evening all,

It is cloudy and cold in SE Indiana with a blue moon out. Happy New Year to all! I echo Dennis’s comments as well. I hope everyone has a good year (even if it is on Firestones for the IRL :slight_smile: ). Special wish for success for AJ’s team, Sarah Fisher Racing, and “my” soccer girls. (Yes, Chief, as long as I have two good legs, two good lungs, a semi-functional heart, and a mind devoted to soccer, I will be chasing that ball for hopefully a good long time).

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana


How long is that shelf?


Welcome back.

I can’t believe that it is January already. Oh well, I’ll just start planning for next Christmas.[:D] I was going to work on the 326 tonight, but I sat down on the couch and watched several episodes of Life On Mars instead. It is a shame that show was only on for one season.

Happy New Year Guys!

Trying to stay warm here Chief…22 tonight…wifey is keeping me warm [:-^]

15 degrees here, Charlie! Final Happy New Years from me - good night Chief, thanks for the new pot. Prayers for us all in the new year.

The New Year is rapidly advancing across this great country of ours. It is 10:38 pst. Not a lot going on here at our place. But the street is loaded with parked cars, surely a party later tonight. Spent the afternoon monitoring a 3 Stooges Marathon. Taping a copy for the wife and son. Funny thing is the marathon is LOADED with commercials, and I’m sure we have VHS tapes of all the Stooges shorts. Oh well just doing as told.

Looking forward to the weekend, not a lot planned probably get some train time in. Take some pictures of Jons car.

Happy New Year to All, Hoping for a better Year, and thankful for the blessings we received in 2009.


Looking forward to a much improved 2010!

Happy New Year and best wishs to one and all! Hope everyone has a great 2010! Espicially hope all of us with health issues get them under control!

Hey Buckeye…1:00 AM on Rose Bowl Day! Just a few hours untill we find out if the Roses are going East to Ohio or North to Oregon! Good luck!

Happy New Year to all! This year is going to be a big year for me. I’ve had my own trains since I was a kid but this year my father gave me his trains that he had when he was a kid. So, along with some help from my cousin and uncle, I will restore some postwar gems to their full glory. I just wish I had the room for a large layout. For now though, I’ll live with a 3’ x 5’ layout in a spare room.

New Year already[%-)] Oh well Happy new Years all. Hope you all have a good one and your blessed a thousands times more this year than the last year. Those still looking for a job hope it comes quickly. Those in need of prayers hope they get answered and not needed anymore. Have a Good weekend all talk to you all later

Morning all, and Happy New Year!

Welcome AudioChris!

I wish all of you a happy and healthy new year! Good news about the cold here… our snowman stopped leaning.


Morning to All.

Here’s to a Happy New Year. Best wishes to everyone for a safe and prosperous New Year.

Take Care.


Happy New Year boys! Happy New Year Chief! It may be 0830 hrs, but I want Bar-B-Q for breakfast. [dinner] LawsonFarms —> [;)] Thank you. Don’t be such a stranger, Roy.

AudioChris —> [:)] Welcome.

88 - That B&O train and shelf look sharp. [tup] Just don’t leave them there during an open house. [:O]

Some good folks on the mend here. Enjoy the sunrise…

2009 certainly had its ups and downs. In no particular order, here are my top 10 up moments:

1) Wifey’s 40th birthday trip to St Thomas.

2) Knocking the towel rack off the bathroom wall (in St Thomas). [:I]

3) Spring YORK commandeering a tractor for our group photo. [oX)] (Buckeye’s Coffee Pot Interchange rare and expensive boxcar getting abused [(-D])

4) Purchasing the Plum. (No regrets, jonadel [swg])

5) Bringing home “Benji” for Mother’s Day.

6) A rainy day ride on the boardwalk in a 5-seater surrey.

Mornning all. Getting ready to go to Lowes for supplies for more modifying the lake house. Big news!!!

Pat and Dennis:

I now get RFD-TV HD!!!

Already set up DVR to record Trains and Locomotives and I Love Toy Trains.

Cloudy and damp. Cold on the way [thanks you Yanks].

Have a great New Year.

PS: forgot, talked to nicest lady at Direct TV [for lake house] last night. Getting DVR there for free and no installation. Told them I was going to Dish Network. She fixed it but would have anyway. First decent rep I’ve talked to at Direct since I got the service. All the others have been rude and would not help. She checked my history and sid I had been mistreated as a customer. She will have a letter [on Mayor’s stationary] sent to Direct praising her. I get good service, I send letters. Now if I could get a decent rep for Verison wireless cell phone. Since they bought out Alltel, my service has been horrible. One guy told me I HAD to buy a Verison phone before I would get good service.[:(!] All those people standing behind that guy is BULL S—!!!


[bday] to me I turned 53 today! And I feel it. Going to run 3 miles on treadmill today very icy outside. If it clears up going out with FLINTLOCK again then have pork and sourkrawt and mashed potatoes. I’ll run trains tonite and drink a few OL MILs.

CHIEF, one of these dayz I’ll get one maybe today for my Bday.

FIFE, thats what YORK is all about. See YUZ GUYZ there in the Spring.

CHUCK, watch out for them young nurses,candystripers, I saw movies about those girls.

CTT staff stay healthy and keep up the good work.

May 2010 be the best ever for all YUZ GYZ!!!

Happy Birthday LAZ! Hope it is a great one for you. Not sure what we will be doing today. Was nice to sleep till 6am. I finished with the foam for the scenery on the layout last night. Perhaps I will do some final cutting and shaping and we will be ready for paint.

Hope to stay inside as it is down in the 60s here…brrrrr! Laz, with the full moon, probably won’t see deer till about 11am. They eat at night with all the light and then bed down most of the morning. Good luck.


Happy New Year to all

Looney Tunes, Rose Bowl parade and THE game is my day.
