COFFEE POT #1, January 2010 for all to take a drink and chat. Welcome all posters. 4 yrs old and still going. Sweet ice tea too.

Happy Birthday LAZ!!!


Will say a prayer that you get one today [no misfires].

Hau’oli Makahiki Hou to you all! I am thankful to call you friends. And Hau’oli lā hānau to you, Laz!

Didn’t last 'til midnight like you heavy party-ers. Spent the evening amusing youngsters with pinatas, pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey (remember that) and Wii games. Then magically at 10 pm, it was midnight!

I am going out now to look for the flying cars, jetpacks and undersea cities we’re supposed to have in the future .

Good Morning 2010!

Snowy morning. Starting to accumulate on the ground. My bride is on her annual trip taking her mom to Florida where she winters. Bride drives her down and flys back the flys down in the spring and drives her back. Been doing that for 12 years now. This year is different because with the grandkids here I have them without help! School starts Monday so I think I will survive.

Chief – Prayers said!

AudioChris – Welcome! If you need help with the restorations there will be plenty of help here.

Laz – Happy Birthday and wishing you many more!

Buckeye – Hopefully the Rose Bowl will be a good game.

CTT Staff – Thank you for providing a format to allow us to play banter seek and receive advice and guidance.

May God bless you all


Good Morning and Happy New Year…

from Blueberryhill…

It is a beautiful day. Snowing . About 30 degrees. Trees in the front yard are covering with snow. Looks really nice. I will sit here and enjoy it.

Today is a good food day. Wife is cooking up all kinds of goodies. I may go down to the train room later, and have some fun.

Dining car was here for the usual breakfast. No extras today.

Buckeye…TGIF ( ?? )

Y’all have a great January 1, 2010.


Good Morning–

Happy Birthday Laz!!!

[#welcome] AudioChris!!

‘Spring’ finally came out from behind the printer this morning—last guest left at 8am[:-^]----so I’m hearing—“mmm? mmm?—megh? megh?” coming from the office armoire----out comes ‘Spring’[:)]

Going to be a quiet day today—supposed to get some inches of snow[:-^] today and tomorrow----Neighbour and I will be playing with our new snowblowers then[swg][:-^]

Anyway —have a good New Years Day [swg]

Happy New Year!

[bday] Laz!! Still need 2 years to catch me…

[#welcome] AudioChris

In the 60’s and dropping, raining now. Thought I’d get in the New Years Day Ride as the weather predictors said no rain until 1pm. Just off by 6 hours [banghead].

Have to get kitty litter later for the cats.

Was up until 1 then wife woke me up at 6, ten the Princess called at 9. No sleep for the wicked.

Found out my Southern switcher tender is still broken, I’ll have to ship it to NJ for repairs. $400 engine that’s unusable [banghead], great.

Going to add a headlight to my 2-4-0 #8300 ATSF engine later, also. Inside activities are gonna be the rule of the day.

Morning guys! I posted here last night and went to bed, slept until 9AM! Then, I had to wake up the kids and they are moping around this morning despite biscuits I baked for them

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAZ! Prayers for a great year :).

LOL - Son is trying to close up a CD cartridge from the stereo - thought it was some kind of toy! What would he make of one of those 45 spindle adapters?

Good Morning !


I usually wonder about this every year, is the Rose Bowl Parade broadcast nationally? They always talk as if it is, but curious if that is actually true. I do remember as a kid in Illinois that we would see it, but that was a long time ago.

Also, frustrating that the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade used to be broadcast here, but havn’t been able to find it for quite a while.

Just saw “Bucky” go by on the Ohio State float. The Cheerleaders from Oregon sure were impressive!

If you do get to see the parade today, our city has a float. It was quite controversial AGAIN! First last years float was primarily all Asian themed and suppose to represent the city, that didn’t go over well. Then with the economy citizens didn’t want the $200k spent on it!! Rightly so!! The City Council took up donations and indicated it was only going to cost the city $100k, (Note Long Beach, gave up theres for economic reasons, and they are considerably bigger). Also since Cerritos made the news earlier this year with the most caustic air in the nation, they felt it was appropriate to regain a positive identity from the bad PR. (The initial report put out by the EPA was subsequently recanted.)

Yes, Don, the parade is on both NBC and ABC here, but I’m watching the Northwestern game…

laz —> [bday] Big CONGA on 53!!!

BTW, I need those “instructional aids” back…[:-^]

New Year’s Day, and I actually don’t have to work! Mrs. Jock is off working at Macy*s (raising money for my daughter’s trip to Europe!). So I cleaned the kitchen for her.

Next I think I’ll shoot some videos of my train layout with my new video camera, mess around in iPhoto for a while and then post to YouTube.

Happy New Year!

Jon [8D]

Happy New Year! Prayers to all that need them. May everyone have a happy , wealthy and train filled new year!

My new years resolution, more train time. I need to give myself a little R&R with the trains his year.

Brent the shelf looks great. I epically like the pic. of the three little kittens. Thanks to you. I will now have two little kittens! The non powered is on its way and should arrive in snohio by mid week. Thanks again [:)]


Keep ‘em comin’

So do I Chief and I will be having some today thanks to you. Got the black eyed peas ready to put in the pot today for good luck also.

Happy New Year everyone!! Hope we all have a good one.

Welcome to the forum Audio Chris. Sounds like you are in my neck of the woods.

Buckeye, getting ready to watch the Rose Bowl today and since I have no dog in this fight I hope your boys bring home the roses for you.

Doug, nice story about family Christmas. Happy New Year!

Happy Birthday Laz![bday]

Don, Happy New Year! I finally figured out what a blue moon was. Heard about it on TV after you mentioned it. Now I know what they mean when they say “once in a blue moon”. “I was sittin in the dark, my brain was stuck in park, suddenly the lights came on”.

Looks like a beautiful day today. Might run some trains before the game.

Dennis, hope you get some rest once in a while with your case loads.

Brutus, keep the Tardis oiled up.

Pat, Hope you have a good year on the farm

Fifey, smooth sailing this year

Jim, keep up the photo fun and thanks for your prayers

apologies to anyone I forgot to mention

prayers for the sick and our departed friends.


Happy Birthday , LAZ !!!



Happy Birthday, Laz, from one Pennsylvanian to another, even though I have lived in Florida since 1967.

Got through page 45 of the December Coffee Pot and page 3 of January’s. Don’t know how I got so far behind, but “they” sometimes say it’s good to get a little behind every once in a while. (Ooops, hope the censors are asleep). Sange 2 services in St. Augustine Christmas Eve, Flagler Memorial Presbyterian Church, did solo of “O Holy Night” as a solo during the preludes and did a solo/slash duet at the 11:00 PM service with an alto of “Of the Father’s Love Begotten”, in a plainsong mode. Both services brought home the true meaning of Christmas for me. Christmas afternnon, Madge and I boarded Amtrak’s Silver Meteor and spent 5 days and 4 nights in the big apple. Weather was all over the palce. Cold rain when we arrived, cleared up and bright sunshine but stayed cold. Say “Billy Elliot”, a superb broadway production by Elton John, the music was great and the dance sequences were fantastic. Saw the New York String Ensemble at Carnegie Hall, average age of performers was in the early 20’s. Music to die for. Ate lunch at the Oyster Bar in Grand Central the day we arrived with Sister-In-Law. Last night in the Big Apple, we had an expensive but delicious dinner at TAO, pronounced DOW. It is in a coverted movie theater stripped to the brick walls with a two story Bhudda down where the screen used to be. Only draw back was the incredibly LOUD and bombastic music that the young people seem to prefer. Our conversations were a series of shouts. Got home yesterday, New Year’s Eve morning. Amtrak’s timekeeping beyween Wasington and New York on the Silver Meteor leaves a lot to be desired. Rode 1st Class on the Acela from NYP to WAS as first leg of trip home. Service and ride were excellent. The Amtrak personel on all the trains were several steps above trips in earlier years.

Happy New Ye

HAPPY NEW YEARS to all and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Laz. A little late but I’ve been watching bowl games most of the day. O and Happy half time to Buckeye as OSU is leading at this point. Pretty good game so far. No trains so far, but we did take down all the interior and exterior decorations today. Things can now get back to normal. I always enjoy the holidays, but also enjoy it when they are over and can get back to a regular schedule.

Don’t think I mentioned it but Jean did get me Big Game Hunter for the Wii this Christmas. The SIL and grandkids have used it more than I have, but now the kids have to go back to school on Monday so I will get my chance. [:)]

Happy Birthday Laz! [bday]

Chuck, sorry I missed you in my first post. Hope you are doing better and I send best wishes for a good recovery and a Happy New Year.
