COFFEE POT #3, March 2010 for all to take a drink and chat. Welcome all posters. 4 yrs old and still going. Sweet ice tea too.

Welcome all. Chiefy hopes he is asleep by midnight. With this cold and cough, may not be. God bless.

I would protest his starting early but since he’s not feeling good I will overlook it.

Get well soon chief

Happy March, at last.



Don’t be concerned, I won’t let ANYONE know you started Pot # 3 a little early!

You can count on me!

Hope your feeling better in the morning if not take two box cars and call the enginer in the morning

Prayers for no Pneumonia, Chief! Get those meds and get some good sleep my friend!

Nice chats with RT and SJ tonight. Charlie too, but he had to go asap. Heard Wes Ole Timer is sick, so prayers for him too. Prayers for us all and our friends and families.

Not much trains today. Did buy an AC panel volt meter for my layout on ebay for like $9 shipped. We’ll see how well it works. I think it’s coming from Hong Kong.

8NT - I have had many moments like that about one grandmother. Funny how little things will bring back so many memories.

John - MAN! $1800! And you lived to tell the tale! You are Da Man! [bow]

TARDIS is ready, so let’s hit the road guys - plenty of rootbeer, some Old MIlls, and plenty of snacks along with banilla!

Well we got another 6" inches or so last night. Still closed up due to clouds and frost. Often the weather is really good after it’s really bad, so have been keeping an eye on it. The humidity gauge tends to get frosted up like a TV dinner so I go out and scrape the handrails. As they said in Star Wars, “pick up your visual scanning”.

Jim S. - I work on Mt. Graham in SE Arizona. If you look on a map we are just west of the town of Safford. We are over 10K feet so even though we are here for the thinner atmosphere, we can get our share of weather. Before this storm we have supposedly had 17’ for the season so far.

Doug M. - my laptop almost got a coffee bath after I read the comment about your dog

Chief - I hope your cold gets better. Take care.

Just finished watching the closing ceremony for the olympics. Now I can go back to not watching TV for another 4 years. I will watch some of the summer games, but lean toward the winter.

I did reassemble the 2025 last night and ran it a bit on the test track. It has very nice slow speed performance for the original setup. I think it’s greater weight helps. NavyJack - the piston lever is actuated by the left crosshead. I wonder how many other Lionel locos worked this way?

Welcome to March


Aw heck. Chief started the new pot early.

I was going to suggest that somebody in each time zone west of him call at local midnight to remind him to start another pot [}:)].

Chief - hope tonight’s rest finds you feeling better in the morning.

Its March already! :slight_smile:

Get well Chief…these colds are no fun!

Good Moning all

Welcome March!!! I am ready.

Bob - Thanks for the location. From the pictures you posted it is beautiful of your site.

Prayers for you all and your needs.

May God bless


Happy March…Up early, I actually off today but I have a side job that pays better so it’s worth it. Have to bq in Kingsbay, GA at 8 am.

[angel] for everyone including da Chief…Check back late tonight!


Happy frosty March 1st!

Dennis - I like the idea of a surprise drive down main street. Is it a slot car? By the way, I can relate to that dark space under the layout. I call it the “Cave”.

Mike C - I totally agree with your assessment of Danica, NASCAR, ARCA and Indycar.

Banks - How about raising mushrooms in the barn.[:D]

Chief - Take a few days off and recoop (maybe at the lake without phones?).

My #1 goal today is to convince the Petroleum COOP their fuel truck can make it down our road.



Happy MARCH!!! Coming in like a lamb here hopefully it stays calm and quiet for the month. CANADIANs did a nice job with the closing ceremonies last nite. Can’t figure why NBC showed stupid show at 1030 instead of next week.

Stay frosty,


Good Morning from Blueberryhill…

It is a cloudy 32 degrees. Going up to 36 today with cloudy skies. The snow is slowly melting.

Today is a busy day. I have some errands to run and then, I have my physical therapy this afternoon. I really like that bicycle machine they have. The more I use it, the better I feel.

Dining car has arrived with the usual Cheerios breakfast.

Y’all have a great Monday.


So the Chief whimped out and started the pot early. Good help is hard to find in Roseyville. Chuck, turn the SNOWOHIO Cannon towards are secret coordinates. No good deed goes unpunished in these parts.

Yes, it is March 1st. Sadly to say the snow that has been in my front yard has started a slow melt. Winter fun is ending again this year. I bet Jon is sitting at his front window today with a drop of salty fluid secreted by the lacrimal gland of the eye slowly running down his cheek due to his sadness that winter is on the downside.

Great hockey game yesterday. That is how all good games should look.


Morning everyone. Welcome to March. Time sure does fly when you’re having fun. Chief, I sure hope you get to feeling better soon. You may have broken a rib from coughing…that could also cause some “stars” when you get to coughing fits. Either way, be sure to have it checked out. You should go see your doc friend to make sure you don’t already have pneumonia.

Pat, it is remote control and does not need a slot. It simply goes forward, left or right as the remote has a steering wheel. I don’t recall it having reverse. A rather neat looking car.

Well, going to head in. Have one case this morning and I have the information to report for the last month. We have to put this information out for the gov’t to do grading. Fortunately, our numbers are above expectations and average.

Check in later for a sip.

Good morning all,

It is cloudy and slightly warmer in SE Indiana. Snohio is melting. Watched some of the closing ceremonies and “Desperate Housewives”. Long day yesterday. Looking forward to work just to relax. Probably long day here as well. Grateful to have job, tho. Chief, get better (replacing a target like you would be difficult for the snohio cannoneers :slight_smile: ). I had bran muffins on the dining car for breakfast before sending it on “Points East”. TBIL anytime tonight. I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

Mornin’ boys. Hope it’s not pluracy (sp?) Chief. Had that a decade or so ago and kept me down for 2 weeks. Get well.

cheapclassics - Well stated. You can say the exact same statements about Ms Patrick’s boss (and I’ve been a jr fan since '97)…

Either we are experiencing a meteor shower, or some fudgesicle has gone star happy.

submmbob, your opinion?

[:)]morning men, hope all you guys are fine. we are at the first day(meteorological)of spring. hope all the snow gos away. hope that things get better this spring. boys are concrete finishers and they were hoping to get called back to work. a senator is holding up road bill, and 2000 men will lose their jobs. oh well i guess we will have a full house and everyone will have to learn to eat crappies and corn. well wife and daughter in law will be able to get our garden planted in about two months. thank god we got the property to plant a garden. at least we can provide fresh vegetables to our kids and grandkids. anyone know how to deal with apple worms? have three good trees and every one has apples that get worms on every one. any help would be appreciated. fresh apples would be a godsend for the kids. in short we will have to go back to basics. got plenty of ammo also…357 and 12 gauge… for hunting of course…have .223 for home defense. got to get the kids away from the habit of smoking. i guess that i worry too much, but lets face it…the kids need us…whether they admit it or not. take care guys navyjack

pat…thanks for the info it is great to have you at my back

Good Morning All

Brite sun and 30s today, still have about 4 inch’s of snow to melt. Only plans for the day at this time is a funeral home visit, thats two already this year. I hope every one gets well soon and the rest of us enjoy the coming of March, hurray…S.J.