Ray, sorry to hear about your cousin. Glad to see your doing well! Looks like need to keep a low profile the next few days.
Spanky, that’s a great picture at graduation! The boys are really looking good.
Not much going on around here, still on lizard patrol. Just when I think they are gone, one shows up. Sure hope this doesn’t become a long term problem.
Not much plans for the 4th, going to take a picnic lunch over to the in-laws, then what I don’t know. Kay is leaving on the 5th to visit a friend in Reno, won’t be back until next week.
Everything seems to be working well on the layout, did have to order a teather for an engine, so got that done. Sometimes it is a love/hate relationship with the layout. Get tired of working on it, but don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have it.
Hope everyone has a GREAT 4th! And, just be safe!!
Home from babysitting Granddogs and cat. Was not bad duty. Watched a lot of movies on Netflix and Prime.
Hot and humid. Been watering. At Town Hall now for a few things. Back to watering. Need rain as so hot. Took big jugs of water to Veterans’ Memorial to water rose bushes and a dogwood tree.
Spanky, great looking crew.
SP, prayers for cousin.
Rich, Buckeye has never been a good guy.
Don Baker, Reno. DIVORCE. [;)] I know better. Guess you are in charge of in-laws. [:O]
Busy day at work. Lots of things went wrong, but managed to get them fixed before start of long weekend. Weather for walk was warm but we managed. Wife made it home after 2 days of watching grandson and helping daughter pack. Next few weeks will be interesting. Raining now in hometown, do not really need it. I hope everyone has a good day.
Still around Chief. Spent last Friday at the museum, that means Saturday was comatose day and Sunday was only partially alert.
Late Sunday afternoon I started putting together my trains for the 4th of July at the museum. All of our spouses will be coming in to celebrate the 4th with us, will be cooking burgers & dogs with all kinds of B-B-Q food.
Wupped. Spent the day on the water. Son and I teaching daughters BF and sons friend to water ski. Almost there. They will be skiing the lake by the end of the week. Fireworks night with the group, went off without losing any important body parts.
Ray - condolences regarding your cousin.
Kev - looks interesting and easy to use.
Dougsnotta - glad you are making it to the museum regularly! Nice tribute!
Anj - wow! 64th anniversary! Congrats to your folks!
MikeC - some interesting events in the World Cup. My son and his buddy are into it. Glad you get to go into your long weekend (if I understood that correctly) without the work issues!
Happy 4th of July!!! Give credit to those who have served us, those that pay the taxes, and GOD for this great place we live.
Just climbed out of bed. Forgot my heart pills last night so feel a bit jittery. Wife moved the pills from where they normally sit so I forgot all about them…Women!! [banghead]
80 already here heading into the 90s with 87% humidity and a 74 degree dew point, Shucks! Forecast looks about the same for the next 10 days.
Camp grounds kids are getting going strong with the big bangs. Twilight Zone all day on Decades.
This is the day we told the king we were not part of Great Britain. The actual war for independence had started in April 1775. The last battle of the war was at Yorktown and shortly after that in 1783 the Treaty of Paris was signed and we were the United States of America. So how did a backwater upstart country defeat the greatest military power at the time? One answer is; spies. At the end of the book, George Washington’s Secret Six: The Spy Ring That Saved America, the CIA acknowledges that the basic methods used by the Revolutionary War spies are still used today.
Rich…you are more than welcome. My second car was a Plymouth Duster. It was bare bones with three speeds on the column, but it was transportation.
Ray… My condolences.
Chief…How does the garbage dump outside of Roseyville smell in this heat? [(-D]
Wifey has too many gardens. Just got in from watering them. Started yesterday. Takes 24 hours [minus sleep time] to water them all. Unbelievable.
Parade at 4:30 [heat of the day, stupid] and fireworks at dusk.
Hope all have a great and safe 4th.
PS: Buckeye, not bad at all. Especially since it is 80 miles away. [;)] now Raleigh runs most of the towns in Wake Co sewer systems. Sometimes they have a problem. Especially at pumping stations.
Slept in this morning. Wife and I saw Indy 11 lose 1-0 on an own goal. Did not close roof so no A/C. It was warm. Got home and watched Independence Day. Ray, my condolences. I hope everyone has a good day.
Most of the fireworks around here were canceled because of the thunderstorms yesterday evening. Two people in a town close by got hit by lighting and are in bad shape. One is three years old and the other is an adult. Two people up north got killed by a tree limb that fell on them and six others got hurt.
We got .4" of rain overnight and now it is 80 already heading to 90 with 98% humidity and dew point of 76. Grass is growing as you watch.
We were going to get the kids tonight but because they canceled the Joliet fireworks yesterday they are going to go tonight. So today should be quite and just laid back.
Also, the Brits had plenty of chance to put us away early, but either flubbed it or didn’t understand this new way of making war. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend 1776 by David McCullough - really good historical look at what was a pivotal year in the war.
Just a quick fly by. Good boating/floating/beer weather continues. The holiday week here continues until Sat when the kids head home. Hope all enjoy the holiday week!
been one of those weeks. Daughter had her 3rd surgery Monday, results Wednesday next week.
Monday midafternoon we got 2.5 inches of rain in less than an hour. Needless to say that caused some issues. Got about 6" of water in the basement. Came in faster than the floor drain could take it. Got high enough to make the washer not work again. Last time I unplugged it for a week and it worked OK. Ran fans for 2 days and made no progress. Today I closed the windows and put a 5000 BTU window shaker on 2 boards above the laundry sink. It filled a gallon jug in less than an hour. Made a noticeable difference in 4 hours.
Son had about 5 acres of hay ready to bale when the deluge hit. It was almost ready to bale on the 4th when the clouds opened again. Pretty much junk now.
Tuesday I replaced brakes on all 4 wheels and front rotors on the car. Gotta change the oil tomorrow and it’ll be ready to head to the beach Saturday.
Yesterday was a putz around day. Stormed a couple of times but cleared towards evening. Son and his family joined Mrs and I for burgers and dogs. He had some simple fireworks and put them off for the kids. A neighbor joined us and we watched the neighborhood fireworks. Better than usual this year as PA made them legal.
Today was another super humid cloudy day with a couple of thunderstorms. I finally planted the Dahlias, Gladolias and Canna lily’s as best I could in the mud. The garden was
Did yard work all day today. No mowing, just trimming and edging. Was hot. Neighbor lady asked how I could work in all this heat. Told her I was used to it…and stupid. Watched 2 World Cup matches I had recorded earlier. Lots of errands to do tomorrow. Got a book on a compliation of information about local railroad. Fascinating stuff. I hope everyone has a good day.