I picked up the Ginko tree from RK; it was $35 and about 4’ tall. It has a good structure and I’ll not need to do much training at this point. Bride is to pick the spot for it. I’ll use some of the topsoil I’m getting for fill to fill the hole I’ll dig for the tree. Speaking of dirt, they delivered three more truckloads of fill and I got it spread out before coming to work. It is pretty nice topsoil. Almost hate using it for fill, almost. It is free.
Dennis - thermocouples are odd I’ve had them last for > 10 years and then again go out in just a couple years. I have noticed the ones that last the longest are the ones that get heated up and remain heated like a hot water tank compared to the ones that the unit like a set of gas logs is operated seasonally.
Kev - the place I’m filling will take about 24 yards of fill and I’m guessing I’m about 1/3 complete. Concrete will continue to be added to the bank for stabilization. It is the area next to the original garage that was part of a ravine. When we dug out for the new garage we started to fill the ravine next to the old garage. The end goal is to have a gravel pad next to the old garage to park the camper.
Roy - Yes I am blessed to be getting the fill for free. If I had t
Jim, sounds like a plan. Just don’t try to pour concrete anyplace you fill for at least a year so it can settle. Otherwise as I bet, you know, it will settle and crack!
Been fighting with my old lawn mower today, Just quit as I was running along?
I know a lot of what is not wrong with it but still have not found what is wrong with it. Close to solenoid, relay or key switch. It is weird because it will not blow a fuse with the key on, not running. And it takes time to blow the fuse, running? So I am in the thought it is a coil overload going to ground??? I checked the engine charging system and I know that is not it. I would think the key switch would be a right now blow? Not sure? I will get there. Gave up for now, time for food.
watching grandson play baseball. He is visiting team. Top of 4th he’s up 5 to 2.
So far this week I cleaned up the dead English Walnut that blew over a couple weeks ago and finally got the front porch repair well under way along with a little farming .
It was 86 this PM. Too hot for May. Considering putting AC in the bedroom window tonight.
Phish…granddaughter just started playing clarinet this year. The competitions we’ve been going to are baton twirling.
It has been a crazy weird April. About two weeks ago my wife’s little sister passed away unexpecedly. Appears to have been a hart attack. She was 57. That generated an almost two week long trip to Michigan. We got back last week Thursday. Been playing catch up at work. This is also making my wife and me feel old.
On the up side, we got to sepnd some time with my grand nephew (oh yea, his parents were there too).
I’ve had kind of an odd thing happen at our Michigan property and here at home. Had a dead limb fall out of a tree in both places. Both limbs were about 8" in diameter, and both limbs broke off at woodpecker’s nests.
On the train front, I’m working on a 4’ by 8’ table for a permenant Thomas layout for the KATY museum. Should have the table finished this weekend.
Mowed yard tonight. Busy day at work. Warm weather but turning wet. Saturday is supposed to be perfect for Mini. Yesterday was busy at work as well. Watched Indy 11 lose but TK was fast time for AJ’s team again today!!! 14 rules!!! 8N, my condolences to your family. Lucas turned 28 today. Been quite a year for him. I hope everyone has a good day.
V8 Dennis, I would be happy to get a thousand for my old 87 Buick. It has less than 100K miles and runs good but needs a lot of TLC. Needs a paint job, new shocks, tires,air conditioning does not work and the right front window is broken and will not roll up and down. Also the rubber gaskets around windows needs replacing.
Dude was a no show again, waited 20 minutes past his appointment time. I had the pleasure of being in the color guard at County Fireman’s Association Memorial Service. Since I was ranking officer, I led the contingent to put a flower in the Maltese Cross for each of our 3 members that past last year. One last memorial and honor for my friend Jimmy (aka Dirt Bomb) who I was friends with in High School along with his brother Ray (who died in 1992). Still miss them both.
RoadRunner was ride of choice this morning and a topless ride home is on tap, mid 80’s today.
Not much else, trying to generate some work here. Had a record Monday, slacked off big time since
I have a fondness for water, not pools so much due to the chemicals they use to ‘clean’ the water, but I do enjoy a dip in a lake, letting the waves crash around me at the beach, etc. I do not like water in my basement. Now we have never had an issue with water in the basement here at our current home, but the previous owners obviously did. About 2 years after we moved in the doors to the pump room started to mold. We bleach cleaned them and let the sit for a few years to see if the mold would return. It did not, so they got 2 coats of Kilz sealer, and 2 coats of fresh paint. Still looking good after 3 years. We have been concerned about the base moldings and the sink base, well the base moldings were removed and sure enough destroyed due to to mold. Being disgusted, I let that project flounder for a few years… well Tuesday I had some down time and decided to remove the vanity top, came off easily (which it should have), then I unscrewed the base from the wall and pulled it out. HOLY MOLD!!! The base is completely rotted from the floor up about 6 inches. Only way this happened was there was water in the bathroom at some point. I pulled out my work light and the walls appear to be OK. I also do not see any mold in the pump room. I have to get the base out of the basement and then bleach clean the area where the base sat. When the new base arrives it will be getting a few coats of Kilz sealer on the unfinished surfaces under the cabinet, and I may buy some PVC edge molding (the really thin stuff in the roll) to put along the bottom edges.
I did get three light switches swapped out, have three more to do and all the switches in the house will be the new retangular style. [tup] Also finished putting up the Azek trim boards around the screened porch. Next up is finishing the front porch, then it is all inside work. List is long, but distinguished. [:)] A few projects that will be contracted out so they are done right the first time and I won’t be risking life
Yesterday while storeing the prewar manual switches I got at York I noticed a price tag on the bottom of 1 pair from Downtown Trains & Camera. they were $3.00 each.
8N, condolences to your family. Way to young to go. [angel]
Well the mower is fixed, I found a wire rubbed through under the seat that went to the seat switch. Why it would run till I sat on it sometimes and other times not. Anyway hooked the interlock switch back up and it all seems fine.
I slept real good today getting to bed about 0800 and waking at 1400. My Bride and I put out more herbs and flowers and Gabriel and I got her Ginko planted and staked. There was no new fill today but I did spread out what has been dumped a little more. It was sunny this afternoon and windy and they are predicting showers for later tonight continuing into Friday. This will be good for the plants we put out and will test the fix I made on the downspout drain.
Kev - The place I’m filling will eventually be topped with gravel to finish. For this year the fill topped with baseball to golf ball gravel is the goal.
Chief - stay hydrated.
Banks - I wonder what pre-war $3 would be in today’s dollar?
Brent - are you going to use the composite deck boards?
Congrats on the addition to your family, Traindaddy.
A pretty good line of storms moved throught the area last night. Produces some high winds and tornados west of us. Was calmed down considerably by the time they go there.
Dog and I sat out on the front proch and watched the storm blow in. This dog is a little strange - he seems to like storms. He will sit quietly and watch the lightening.
Mornin’ boys. Cloudy and 71. My AC may be on the fritz. We’ll see. Almost finished high-line on the RR; need one more pergoo plank. My friend Tom is visiting today, so have to tidy up the train room.