Can anyone lead me to past issue that had detailed plans for building a coffee table for n scale layout. I think it was published no longer than 18 months ago. Thanks for any leads to either an on line link for the construction plans/schematic or info on which issue the article appeared in.
Its the February 2009 issue
There is also one that started in December 1970 and ran thru most of 1971. I have the plans. PM me with your email addy if you are interested.
I am interested in the 1970-71 plans depending on the style, dimensions and overall complexity involved in building the table. I already am familiar with the model in the Feb. 2009 issue while the 1970-71 you refer to is completely unknown to me. Would need to see photos of it, materials list, etc. to know whether it’s a plausible project for me to undertake. (Incidently, I’m a newbie to posting messages on bulletin boards, so what is a PM? Also, I’m confused on how I contact you directly? There seems to be no bio or email listed for you, just URLs for drag racing sites.)
A PM is a private message, I sent you one. If you need pictures of this layout, find someone online that sells old mags and get the December 1970 issue.
Bump! Is the original poster still interested?
Yes, I am. How do I obtain them? Specifics, please.
Go into your profile and check your private messages and then reply.