Color for headlight on a Challenger?

Hello all,

Does anyone know what color the LED headlight is on the Athearn Genesis Challenger? I just picked one up and the LED is burned out (at least that’s what i have determined so far). I’d like to get the same color in there. Thanks!


It’s very unlikely that the LED is burned out.

Are you running the locomotive on DCC? If so, you need to turn the headlight on by pressing the “FL” button or the number zero on your controller.

If the locomotive is DCC equipped, the decoder may not be properly configured, especially if you “picked it up” off of e-Bay or from a local hobby shop where it had been ran on a test track…

The prior owner may have been running it on DCC and turned the headlight off. If you are trying to run it on DC, the headlight will not come on if the previous owner turned it off…

If the headlight does have to be replaced, you should use a “golden white” LED.

My brother had a 71 Challenger, and IIRC both headlights were plain white. [swg]