Commander E. Jay Quinby's 1945 "Warning" regarding bus takeover of streetcar lines

Be nice! Navy guys wear white, haven’t a clue what the orb thingie is.

Still kinda funny though, but you don’t want to cheese off Mr. Klepper who did a swell job of cleaning up the photo.

Well if you didn’t fancy that picture how about this one!

Amelia Earhart and E. Jay Quinby

So he’s like Forrest Gump, always showing up at famous events and meeting famous people? :slight_smile:

I’ll tell you what, if E.J. was handling the radio and the navigation on Amelia’s round the world flight in 1937 she’d be alive today! Well, maybe…[:-^]

Yeah, some people are like that … live in the moments and the events.

After all these years, there are still gullible people who eat up “The Great GM-NCL Streetcar Conspiracy”. The big problem with said “conspiracy” is that it doesn’t explain the situation for properties not operated by National City Lines such as Chicago Surface Lines, Milwaukee Electric Railway & Transport Co, etc.

Tampa was one of the first cities in post WWII America to loose it’s streetcars. Dallas lost them in the mid-50s. Growing up on my grandparents small farm north of Big D in Farmers Branch my mother took me with her to St. Matthews Episcopal Church in Dallas every Sunday on Trailways. As a result, I grew up loving trains but also accepted the bus as well.

I still believe that from the beginning, Amtrak should have worked together with bus companies to provide Total Transportation in the US so people could get to almost every American city and town coast to coast and inbetween. It would have been a winner for the steel rail and rubber tire alike.

Good Lord! Joe, it’s great to see you back on the forum!

When your other account disappeared I thought for sure you were pushing up the daisies.

Not pushing up daisies yet Dude though family health issues (not mine) have contributed to my lack of taking an active part here on the Classic Trains forum. Thanks for welcoming me back.

I agree with " Bottoms" that this coordinatred effort would have been a good statergy.

There is quite a bit of coordination with bus companies. For example, if you look at the Amtrak schedule for Michigan Service, you will see a number of Thruway connections that are actually bus company routes.

Right. That rerally started when Claytor ran the show. Should have been partt of the initial planning.