Comments Wanted: Construction of a new layout

Finally got a site together to document my layout construction. The html is simple and the pics are lo-res, so no harsh comments on that aspect. I would appreciate any comments on the construction, operation, etc.

Basically, I am freelancing an imaginary prototype’s branchline. I am thinking along the lines of the Virginian with a passenger twist. I have 7 modules built to the roadbed and screen scenery stage. I will be using DCC, grades will be 1-2%. I am hoping to get some scenery in place by Christmas.

The site is


good site but it would be nice to be able to click on a pic to enlarge them.
jusy my two cents worth

Nice layout, love the story, do you have any room for loops at each end for continuous running, or your happy with alot of switching?


I am hoping my daugther will spruce up the site a bit for me. I just needed to get something available for others to see what’s going on (namely my brother-in-law in DC).

No room for loops, I was trying hard to maintain a 2 x 3 form factor. Also I don’t care much for loops, I might try to fit in a loco turn-around at the top end. I figure it to be mostly switching, something I can do by myself and stay entertained.

Btw, the last resort area is 25" above the lowest area near the single engine house. I’ll try to get a cross section view on the site soon.


I added an elevation page to the site.

Glenn: I fixed the photos!

Just added a desgn description page, I will document the pupose of the different modules. Some are obvious uses, but I really have only Modules E to L hard designed. Also I am hoping to leave space on some for new ideas for switching operations.


I think you are off to a fantastic start. Having looked at dozens of books, and watched several video’s, you are doing it buy the numbers. Nice job, and keep the Pix up to date.

One of the things I would really like help on, is the history story. I am looking for some history buffs to suggest ideas to fill in the details of the story. Anytime I read about the prototypes, ther is always names and dates of the beginnings, sometimes cross referenced with things happening in history. I think this would help bring the layout to life. Of course I would have to remember to fit the history to how I want to operate - coal and passenger.


Your wish is granted; I have arrived. [8D]

As I see it - and I am working only from your posted background - you need to create an opening date for the resorts, the mine, and the year Lowelly town was incorporated. This provides a skeleton timeline.

You could include an unflattering comment about J.P.Morgan’s (apparent) disinterest in this venture.

If you can find the names of some hotel financiers in Boston and NYC, work them in. Perhaps they sent a lieutenant to work this project and gain experience.

I’m not very familiar with NY/New England regional events, so I can’t provide a lot of details. But if your library has some books like “History of VanRessler County, New York” you should read them. Steal ideas, relocate actual events, check how long it took to do things and extrapolate.

For my Ft Wayne Belt Line RR, I have a timeline that stretches from 1825 to 1920. Most of the details are 1870-1900, and the RR is set in 1900. I latched onto a particular guy who I thought was really interesting and followed his life. I also found a book about the PRR shops in Ft Wayne and took facts from that too. Then I bent things around a bit to get “what should have happened”.

Some events in history are too important for general background to mess with - Vanderbilt will financially ruin anybody who threatens his monopoly on the Water Level Route and Lake Erie shore lines; Jay Gould’s “robber baron” rail empire and the Wabash RR’s collapse; the Pennsy’s “smothering embrace” of its midwestern affiliates. But other things are “petty details” (or maybe not so petty) and can be fiddled with to your preference.

Thanks for the ideas, I’ve done some casual reading of roads like the Virginian and such, which reinforce your points. I’ll have to go back and do some actual research with notes on history.

BTW, any tips on current manufactures that can supply engines and cars for the time period? (I know I will be doing a lot of customizing!)
