Commercial power outage cripples Northeast Corridor

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Commercial power outage cripples Northeast Corridor

Diesels don’t have this problem. Over the decades I have noticed how out east, there is a backup system for absolutely nothing.

News sources are quoting some officials as saying the power could take weeks to restore.

They should’a kept some FL-9s.

When the whole system is so outdated and just bandaided together it does not take much to be a knock out punch. It is time to build a new semi-adjacent Boston-Washington passenger route to operate in unison with the existing heritage route. Oh, and by the way right up across Connecticut sort of like the old “Airline” Route would cut through a lot of underdeveloped landscape and be relatively easy to get to "shovel ready " status.

Some are quick to criticize Amtrak, but the fact is that diesels were hauling Regionals through the trouble zone Wednesday afternoon. How they were made available will be an interesting story of response to an emergency.

Some are quick to criticize Amtrak, but the fact is that diesels were hauling Regionals through the trouble zone Wednesday afternoon. How they were made available will be an interesting story of response to an emergency.

And the money for a new, semi-adjacent dedicated passenger train route from Washington to Boston would come from where?

Taken together the debt of the federal, state, and local governments is $19.7 trillion. Moreover, the unfunded federal liabilities are approximately $46.9 trillion.

Government does not appear to be a likely source of funds to build a super railroad in the NEC. And it is unlikely that private investors will step forward with the funds.

Governor of Connecticut Dannel Malloy made a statement that Metro-North in the Connecticut and New York area could take up to at least 3 weeks to restore.

The New Haven Lives. Or at least in its last years of power failures. :•)

Glad I didn’t sell the car … jus sayin…

Great government response to the emergency that it caused: “Stay home”. For three weeks, probably longer? That guy should be fired immediately but it’ll never happen.