Commodor Vanderbuilt

Does anyone know what type of passenger cars the Commodor Vanderbuilt pulled? Were they streamliners or heaveyweights?

Laz - I don’t know if it right or not, but I run heavy weights behind mine.

Hello Laz! The Vanderbuilts pulled the Heavyweights and they used to run through Willoughby on their way from New York to Cleveland & Chicago.

Yes, they were heavyweights I believe. I would almost say that the Commodore Vanderbuilt and the Reading Crusader look very much alike. I know the Crusade pulled streamliners.

First streamlined version of the 20th Century was the 1938 Dreyfuss. CV pulled earlier edition with heavyweight cars, ref Karl Zimmermann, “20th Centry Limited”, MBI publishing

Thanks GIZ,
I am thinking of bidding on a Lionel Vandy from about 1997 its on E bay and is opening at $275. What do ya think?

Tom how do you like yours?
Is that a MTH or Lionel?

Laz - I like mine. It’s an MTH PS1. I have had it for some time.

Laz- Lionel also made heavyweights to go behind the Vanderbuilts. My Brother has the 1998 version from Lionel and it is a very nice Engine. It will pull the Passenger Cars with no problem and has excellent Railsounds. This is the Dark version he has and it looks sharp. He has six of the Heavyweights to go with it. Good Luck.

Bid for it laz, because the original price was like $500 or so. If it is TMCC, that is what you want to go with, and if you can find the passenger cars at a good price get them too.

The Original Price on these Engines was around $1250.00-$1300.00 and My brother got his for $ 800.00 in 1999 which was a very good price indeed. He got it at the Lakeland Trainshow in Kirtland,OH & asked me what the original price was for these Engines & I told him & he said “This is a good buy for the Money” The Passenger Cars were also on sale and he got six for $ 300.00 at the show as well. This is when the Prices started to decline in 1999.

I think I am going to wait on this to see what happens to K-line.
Might get some good deals there.

This looks like a good deal -

PBJ this one…

Wow. No bids yet. That could be a steal.

Someone got a good deal. I saw one today at Chicagoland Hobby for $599.00. They are beauties, and big. If anyones interested in a South Shore Electroliner, Chicagolands got one. Really nice looking set.

Final price on the one I was watching.
Somebody got a good one.


Wow! $381.99 That is a super price. That’s almost One-Third of the Original MSRP!

Yea KEITH go figure.
Is this going to hold true for the rest of the year?
Price wise that is? Are prices going to start falling?
Who knows?