Computer controlled layout, what do I need to do?

I will soon start to lay down some track on the upper level on my layout (HO scale). It will be a mainline and a siding, around 14 feet long. I know that I want to control the layout from my computer in the future. So I wonder:

Do I have to do something special (electrical) when laying down the track, or can it be done later?

This is how the track looks like:

There’s an article in the latest MR about using WinLok.

Wiring the track should be no different than wiring for DCC though, which is itself a form of computer control.

I personally don’t think you would need that much special wiring. You definately will need alot of software though.

Think about where your detection sections will be and plan feeders and gaps accordingly. You can add both later if needed, but feeders are a bit more difficult to add once the track is balalsted. Gaps you can cut anytime.

You’ll want a detection block for the track to the left of the first turnouts, the section including the two turnouts on the left, the short siding, the section of the long siding between the turnouts, the turnout in the middle of the siding, the section of the sidign between the middle and righ turnout, the section of the right turnout, any track to the right of that turnout, and one or two for the main in the middle depending on how long it is - if it’s only a train length or so long then oen block, if it is multipel train lengths long, two blocks would make it a bit more flexible.

Those are just for detection, if you are using DCC. It can be all one DCC power district. Gap both rails though, even if the detection you are using only needs a single gap - it actually will be easier and more flexible. It’s easier to tie all of one rail feeders to a terminal strip than to have to go back and cut things apart later.
