Does anyone know of a software program for designing layouts? A long, long time ago I thought I saw one and unfortunately did not purchase it at the time. I have been searching on and off ever since.
Here is links to software. I don’t know if what you are looking for is in there, but take a look
Try Atlas’s free track planner click on RTS download.
Any other suggestions/recommendations? What does everyone else use?
The Atlas software is on the right track (pardon the pun) of what I am looking for, but I don’t necessarily want something so biased and limited to only their products.
The other link has a couple of possibilities, which is what I would like some more user-experience input on.
I’d also like something in the vein of Roller Coaster Tycoon, in addition to practical layout planning that I could use for my next attempt. I recognize that these interests will likely not be met by one product. But again, I would love some practical user-experience to not waste my time/money on a weaker game.
first i’ll give you the master list . this will keep you busy for a while [:D]
specifically you should look at for layout design and or for “games” . note that some people use trainz as a virtual model railroad and never actually build a layout
The link that ereimer gave is to XtrxCad, the program that I use and highly recommend. Plus, it’s free! (be sure to get the code on line to activate it when you download). This software (like any of the design programs) takes a little time to learn (do the tutorial that comes with it) but once you understand the ins and outs, its a beauty.
I’m a fan of 3rdPlanIt myself. Don’t have the URL handy, but just Google it and you’ll find it quickly. You can download a trial version that allows you to do quite a bit before deciding if it’s worth paying for.
Atlas RTS is pretty good too, more than worth the price (unlike so many freebies)
I agree on the Atlas RTS 7, the previous versions did not do it for me. I supposed version 7 indicated it matured enough so I can actually do stuff with it.
I’m a CadRail user. The link to it is It is also on Jack’s “learning curve” list, but it iw worthwhile.