Interesting blurb - “Now, the organization is assessing freight-rail infrastructure, too. For the first time since World War II, limited rail capacity has created significant chokepoints and delays, ASCE said.”
Apparently, the ASCE doesn’t realize that the limited rail capacity is all part of the plan by the rail oligarchy to keep rates at a premium, and thus improve their revenue adequacy. Of course, ASCE has their own dog in this fight, as they are a lobbying group interested in increasing demand for the services of professional engineers. It would be self destructive on their part to rate the nation’s infrastructure as anything more than unsatisfactory.
What would be the source of the funds to provide for the “necessary” upgrades, if not from rate increases? If government purchases the infrastructure, the money would have to come from additional taxes.
(1) Since 1905, ASCE has had little or nothing to do with railroad civil engineering.
(2) That statement, if it were to have any credibility, would come from AREA/AREMA.
(AREMA/AREA started because the ASCE hierarchy was generating hopelessly unrealistic standards and ASCE had clearly lost touch with reality.It started with the design of rail and common rail cross-sections) … and oddly ASCE in the guise of a very few misguided individuals in search of generating income is trying to get back in the business after being missing for 100 years…Part of an engineer’s code of ethics involves not practicing outside your area of expertise. ASCE would be wise to stick to what it is good at, which is not railroading. Most civil engineers (*and surveyors) stumble badly around railroads…
IF Futuremodal wishes to join ASCE’s bandwagon and read-in to their statement what fits his warped agenda, please do so. Don’t look at me when the bandwagon goes over the cliff.
CSSHEGEWISCH: You came real close to providing a professional counterpoint, but then you just had to bring up the bells in Ed’s head.
Mudchicken: FYI - I don’t create these news items, I just report them. I don’t care one way or another on what ASCE says about railroad. If you think ASCE has a “warped” agenda, direct your misguided ***ing to them if you have a problem. I personally don’t have any problem with the people who take care of our nation’s rail infrastructure. From what I can see they do a pretty good job.