Confused on Scales

I’m pretty sure HOn3 is narrow guage for HO, but I see alot of HO On30 on EBAY and I am not sure that is the same thing.

On30 is O scale trains running on track that is the same width as standard gauge HO. Standard-gauge HO track measures out to about 30" wide in O scale, just as standard-gauge N scale track measures out to about 30" in HO, and is used as HOn30 track.

HOn3 is 3-foot narrow gauge for HO–HOn2 is two-foot, HOn30 is 30", HOm is meter-gauge, etcetera.

I’m not sure why people label stuff “HO On30” on eBay. It is confusing and incorrect.

Don’t assume that people advertising things for sale actually know what they have. But then, don’t assume that they don’t know the value of what they have.
Sometimes you have to take your own knowledge and interpret what they’re saying (like newspaper articles on railroads.)

so if I get a HOn3 loco will it run on the ho 14v power or is everything different

B -

Yes it will run. Except maybe for G which I am not sure about, all the DC model trains use 12v as standard. Lionel (and comaptibles), American Flyer, and Marklin HO use AC and I’m not sure what the voltage is.