Congratulations Kathi Kube

Kudos to Kathi for her excellent photo of the C&NW units on page 12 of the July '05 issue of Trains.

Perhaps Kathi will be joining (and giving some competition to) Erik and Mike in their ongoing photo contest.


I havent checked for the mail yet but I’m looking forward to that picture.
stay safe

got the mail today! nice shot Kathi!!!
stay safe

Congratulations Kathi,Great Shot. (now how did you get them to put 3 C&NW
engines together like that?)
Actually todays mail brought us Trains,MR,and Kathi’s great picture;
AND NO BILLS!!! Great Day !!! [:D]

I want to know how she got UP to not patch the paint…
Nice to see some old iron it the original colors.

Way to go Kathi!!!



Kathi, I bow to your very good photo![bow][bow][bow][bow][bow]

Hay Kathi that would be a great idea!!! Go for it!

I didn’t recieve my Trains July issue yet and I have a question about thr pictures of the CNW power. Were these the famous CNW Dash-9 units out of Global I or II about a month ago??

Sarah, of course they were!

Oh, the fun we had that day!

(OK, OK, I was at work and not directly involved in the chase–but I’d like to think I had a little to do with the results! Kat, great shot! And I’m so glad we got the chance to talk afterwards.)
