Congratulations Mookie!

We have our first 5 star member in the forums! I’ll bet you can all guess who that is! Mookie! [8D]

Super work Mookie! This is so exciting, I can’t believe it. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. [swg]

Again, cool work Mookie![bow]

Have fun with all of those stars!


Mookie way to go!!! 5 Red Stars!!!

Mookie way to go!!! 5 Red Stars!!!

So Mookie, when do you take your trip to see Dan? [;)] [}:)] [:D]

You snuck in and got that 2000 th post. [8)]

Atta girl. [:D]

Of course if this were the MR forum they would be booing us all, since we congrat everybody on their starts in this forum.

Looking forward to the next 2000 [:I] [:o)] [8)] [:0] [:X]

At 2000, do you have enough whiskers to determine what color those stars are or is it whatever color comes out of the cereal box?

Assume this “event” is worthy of chocolate cake.[dinner][dinner][dinner]


Bergie doesn’t answer my phone calls any more, so have to take what he sticks me with!

Wanna join me as, er, for dinner before the chocolate cake? [}:)]


Mrs. Mudchicken (the long arm of the law) and her cat might have a problem with that. Especially after all that work to get me trained, such that I is![:D]

Somehow chocolate frosted cat chow doesn’t seem too appealing right now.


Wow, Sister Jen!

I’ve been looking forward to the day (coming soon) when I reach three stars. And now you go and do this!

If there ever were any doubt about who is the reigning royalty of the Forum, this should resolve it once and for all.

Would you like some snow ice cream with that cake?


Thanks just the same, but I will pass on the snow…

[bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow]Hi[bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow]Congratulations[bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow]Your Highness[bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow]Where is the cake?[dinner][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow][bow]


Mookie, CONGRATULATIONS on FIVE stars!!! Way to go, kiddo. You deserve them.

Come down to Louisville, and I’ll go to the store, buy chocolate cake mix (what kind of icing you want on it?) and we’ll celebrate your five stars.

Congrats Mookie, Now why does David Voss get 5 Gold stars??

I sure hop mine are Gold too, i f i Ever make it that far up!


[:D][:D][:D] Excellent work Jen, you will have to ask Bergie for a commission cheque as an anchor for the forums.


[bow]Congrats Mookie!!! or is it “YOUR HIGHNESS”[bow]

I guess you really do deserve it,since you do have to put up
with the LOT of US!

Now about that 5th[?] On the rocks preferably[}:)]

grumble, grumble[|(] Still think the green is prettier…[#dots]

Congratulations on your 5th star!!! Wow! I also think the green is prettier, but 5 is still better than 3, no matter what colour. I definetely think you should get some award for this!

Psst hey Kev does web developer mean anything?David keeps this train a rolling .
Congrats Mookie on 5 stars.[:D]
stay safe

Don’t like purple stars!!! I do like green.

And they say Oprah is the “queen”, no way as we now bestow that title on Mookie…congratulations young lady…red seems to be your color from now on! God job, what do you get once you reach 3,000? Eolafan (Jim)