Connecticut, Metro-North to push for federal funds to replace Northeast Corridor bridge

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Connecticut, Metro-North to push for federal funds to replace Northeast Corridor bridge

Interstate Highway system bridges had a designed life of 45 years.
Since there’s no mention of diminished structural integrity of the Norwalk bridge, let’s guess that the priority may be properly placed.
But of course, refurbish or replace the mechanism.
Speaking of age, the film Jurassic Park just turned 21 yrs old-----you never know what you’ll learn listening toClassic Music radio.

Did my comment get lost? At less length – Mr. Hays should be aware that some of the “sailboats” using the bridge are ships with masts up 100 feet tall; not easily stepped or unstepped. And some of the “stinkpots” are ferries or freight vessels with considerable superstructures. This is a major port, not some lake.

Two, sort of miscellany. The bridge is still structurally sound, but the mechanism – the gearing – which swings it is getting a bit cantankerous (to put it mildly). The guys keep it running… but it would be much better if the whole bridge could be replaced.

Second, as Jeff Marker said, navigable waterways cannot, by law, be blocked, so you either have to have a moveable bridge or a bridge raised high enough – the latter just isn’t practical (135 feet at that location). Mr. Hays, being from a state without a seacoast, may not be aware that some of the sailing ships using the waterway have masts up to 100 feet tall; not something which can be stepped or unstepped without big cranes. And some of the “stinkpots” are commercial ferries, with superstructures for the passengers and freight – not exactly practical for hinges. It pays to research the topic…

Mr Hays, By law navigable rivers cannot be blocked.

Is there more than one span on this bridge? If so, the fixed spans would not need to be replaced if they are structurally sound. Perhaps the same thing could be accomplished by replacing the entire mechanism, but not the bridge itself.

That said, if the whole thing needs replacement, get her done!

Yet 50 year old highway bridges get federal funding priority. How backwards are the priorities of our Congress?

If the bridge is still structurally sound, weld it shut. Sailboats can step their masts to get under it (Know how to do that, Captain?). ‘Stinkpots’, with “tuna towers” will have to put them on hinges. Ain’t many tuna in Long Island Sound anyway, methinks.