Connecting Peco 55 to Atlas 55

I am building an N scale layout (my first). My question is, can Peco code 55 turnouts be connected to Atlas code 55 flextrack? If so, how do I go about doing it? Thanks Jim

There’s two main ways that I can think of.

Since Peco code 55 is really code 80 with two flanges on the bottom sides of the rail, you can cut / file the bottom of the rail until it’s flush with the upper flange and then use your rail joiners to connect them. This will be a bit of work, but it works out well.

The other option is similar to what I did on my layout. I use Atlas code 55 on rail that is seen, and Atlas code 80 on hidden and staging tracks. To connect them I slip a rail joiner halfway onto the code 80 rail, then use needle nose pliers to flatten the rest of the joiner. Then I lay the code 55 rail on top of the flattened part of the joiner and bend the joiner slightly to adjust the height so the rail tops line up. Once I’m happy with that, I just solder the whole this togther. Takes about a minute and a half for each one. Here’s a pic to give you an idea: