This thread is for CONRAIL lovers & fans or non-conrail lovers & fans. You can post anything about conrail. I think this is the first thread or topic just for conrail. Enjoy this thread!!!
Well, Conrail and I share the same birthday of April 1st. I guess that’s kind of relevant.
chinatwon782411. It is relevant to this topic or thread.
Always a conrail lover or fan always a conrail lover or fan no matter what!!!
Always a conrail hater or non-fan always a conrail hater or non-fan no matter what!!!
I think the blue/white color scheme looks awful on model locos. They use blue plastic for the bodies, and white paint. Looks like a cheapo toy. B-O-R-I-N-G!
I am with you 100%.
The best models of Conrail I ever saw where the of the custom-built variety.
I love those SD engines.
I wished that conrail would gotten the SD90MACK or Evoltion engines. If NS & CSX didn’t takeover conrail.
What if conrail had the SD90 or evoltion engines that would be very very interesting.
Did you see much variation of CR locomotives in your area?
Muphy Siding. Yes i do there is alot of EX-CONRAIL engines to count in Rochester New York.
Rochester ?
Is CSX still using both lines through there, or is the line through the City just for passenger trains ?
Do the two lines have names, and what are the junctions to the east and west called ?
Well, as far as the SD90, the SD80MAC’s look the same, except some minor differences.
Rochester New York. Buffalo to syracuse chicago main line, Buffalo to Albany. Alot of freight & 4 passengers trains.
Conrail Forever!!!
I Have Never Seen an Ex-Conrail I go To Pixley Road In Chili
and All I’ve Seen Latley are Those Sexy CSX GEVO’s [;)]
I am not sure but did Conrail use the Penn Central’s black with the white “PC” scheme for a little while.(using a CR instead of a PC of course)
CSX-DAN. Time to time you will see conrail engines with csx trains on Pixley Road in Gates. I seen GP20-evoltion engines and don’t forget UP,CN,SF,BN,BNSFor NS engines go though Pixley Road. Hey CSX-DAN do you live on or near the Buffalo to Syracuse chicago main line??? O yea welcome to trains form!!!
chinatown78241. That would be a BIG YES!!!
Was it just a temporary thing to convert ownership or did they paint them like that?