Consolidation is "locked up" and won't move ... any thoughts?

My brand-new Bachmann Consolidation has stopped moving - it sort of sits on the track and hums - like it’s trying to go, but something has locked up. Before I start tinkering and REALLY doing some damage, I thought I’d post here…any ideas?

Does this happen even at full speed? Sometimes at slow speeds the consolidations need to be broken in, and this is normal in these cases. Even mine to this day sits and hums at slow speeds. Does it do this in reverse as well? How far do you turn the throttle up?


First check to see if the plug connection (between the locomotive and the tender) is fully engaged into the socket. I use the back of the handle on a pair of tweezers to accomplish this.

Do the lights come? If your 2-8-0 is DCC-equipped, you can always perform a factory reset. Most of the time it’s CV8 = 8. However, it depends on the manufacturer of the decoder. Here’s a handy link for giving you all the various resets:

How to Rescue a Faulty Decoder


I had a brand new 2-6-6-2 lock up and bachmann replaced it on the spot. So if all else fails, they will stand behind their product. Although it might take awhile considering you are across the country. They are in my back yard, so I can walk in to the service counter.

Good luck,


Good advice, all - I will try all of it. Haven’t tried it in reverse yet, oddly enough. Rjake - it won’t get moving at all - just sits and hums.

Give it a little smack on the table to free it up [:D].

The Navy way of fixing things.

Does it run in reverse?

Also check the side rods to make sure none are bent or hanging up.

If you just got it and it’s brand new send it back to Bachmann!

If I remember correctly those have a band drive, the band may be sorn out. While I would love one, I won;t buy one for that reason.

Even if not brand new, send it back they seem to stand behind their products.

{Or you could always drop it on the floor and see if that helps [:D]}

If it is new you could send it back, but you will wait 6 weeks or so for it to be repaired. That is why I started repairing my own.

If you still have not fixed the other engine, let me know. Still happy to fix it for you.


Not in my experience, including shipping both ways, 12 days.

Send it to Bachmann, they will replace it.

Unless you do find something quite minor and can free it, since it is new, I wouldn’t try any disassembly. Just send it back. It could be a variety of things wrong, Something moved into the gearcase and jammed, a wheel could have slipped on the axle and threw off the quatering, a loose side rod hitting or jammed. If you apply some decent throttle and reverse direction is there any wheel/ axle movement before binding? All these possibilities mentioned would be repairs that should be done by Bachman, not you tearing a new loco apart.

check the valve timing rods,

the little one attached to the main crank to the top cylnder linkage.

it should look like a “L” on it’s back with the foot pointed up ___l

on both sides of the loco.

The hinge in the linkage can get pushed up and the rod will jam

and look like the “L” has flipped over with thr foot pointed down -----,

in this pic

the lowest rod in the center, front link gets pushed up

Is this the Spectrum consolidation or the regular one? If it’s the spectrum, try loosening the screw that holds the motor mount in place (should be under the cab). The mechs on the 2 I had were binding slightly, and loosening this freed up the whole works - they ran like a dream afterwards. It might also be worth checking if the drivers are properly quartered.

sounds like a busted belt (man I hate it when that happens). Happened to me once on a brand new Spectrum 2-8-0. Send it back.


Just a question that seems to have been overlooked - is the model in question HO or N scale?

Belt problems on the Bachmann locos with that drive are very rare. A fellow I know on the Bachmann forum belongs to a group that uses Bachmann 2-8-0’s on a display layout where they run them all day, every day and they wear out the gears long before any belt failures.

I have eight of them, they all run great, never a belt problem. I also have nine of the Bachmann 4-8-2 Heavy which also has the belt drive, never a problem, belt or otherwise.

I have a number of friends who have them as well, never any belt problems. It is an excelent drive system.

As others have said, unless the problem is minor, send it back. They will likely send you a new loco.


You could check the siderods. I’ve had a Spectrum engine where apparently during shipping the box got bumped a little and the siderods got pushed in a tiny bit so they were interfering with the wheels ability to go around. In my case, it wasn’t bad enough to stop the engine but did make it hesitate each time the wheels went around. Carefully bending the rods out a tiny bit solved the problem.

I want to thank everyone who took the time and had the patience to help me on this one - I really, really appreciate it. I didn’t have a chance to try anything last night (kid stuff - getting ready for last day of school today) but I’m heading home for lunch and will print all these out and give it a go then.

Good luck. I think you’ll be running before you know it. [:)]

Got home last night and tried a bunch of your ideas, all at once … and one fo them worked! She’s back to sailing around the layout in grand style … once again, my thanks to all!