I hope this works. If it does this is the construction to date of my efforts to build a railroad.Disregard dates(if any). TOM http://s569.photobucket.com/albums/ss134/evenfall575/Garden%20railroad%20construction%20to%20date/
Yes, it works. Nice shots of your progress so far!
Thanks Rene. Took two days but I think I,ve figured it out. TOM
Lookin good. waiting to see further progress.
Thanks ttrigg. I thank you for your advice and may ask for more in the future. I use the internet for mostly reference and have used my son for help sending photos, now it seems easy. I also like your Quote ending your posts. Mine is “everydays and adventure” although the adventures are few these days. TOM
This site is full of people of varying degrees of skills, all willing to answer questions. I consider myself a NOVICE when compared to the skills of many more folks here. 40+ years in HO, N, &Z, but only 7 years in the garden.
I recognize the vast amount of knowledge contained in this forums archives and I use them regularly as I continue to improve my R.R. Just the amount of links Rene has provided for beginners has helped with decisions as I build. I have not “posted” anything in a very long time but I have some questions that I will be posting as this “spring” approaches. One question I am going to post later tonight. TOM