Usually, it’s our policy to not provide contact information for our contributors, but here’s an exception. Jens Bang (April 2006 issue cover story) called me today and would love to get in touch with fellow hobbyists. However, he does not have a computer or email, so you will have to write a paper letter. I told him I’d post this here. He truly sounded excited to communicate with anyone, so feel free to drop him a note.
One of the members on the RhB Forum - the little forum (not that many members) with the accurate prototype info (thanks to our members) - is a frequent visitor at Jens’ and provided a rough sketch of “what’s there”.
I was pleased as punch when I saw Jens’ article; after hearing all kinds of very good and interesting things it was nice to see the pictures that go with the story.
Looking at the track plan is a sheer delight - living proof that it doesn’t need to be a spaghetti-bowl in the garden. As in: Less is a whole lot more!
Hey HJ; I don’t think you can use that terminology anymore, it is regarded as politically incorrect mate. I think being pleased as Punch; relates to the puppet show “Punch and Judy” which has been outlawed because of cruelty.
I know you lie wawake at night worrying about these things.
Don’t ever change. Only you can say it the way you do. BTW…I think we all lie awake worrying about something, somewhere, sometimes [;)] Rgds eh…Brian.
That’s me, awake at night worrying about PC and other earthshattering influences and disturbances in my life. [:D][:D][:D][:D]
That’s what everyone else worries about, me worrying so much. [yeah][:-^][:-^][angel][angel][:D][:D][:D] Just ask my friends!
I have you know, I worry so much at night I’m too tired during the day to count all the rivets on my BRAWA G 4/5. [:p][:p] Now that’s what I call worrying!!!
Which reminds me, one of the first Sonny Terry Brownie McGee tunes I learned was “It takes a worried man to sing a worried song” or maybe that was even before I knew STMG and I learned that from Lonnie Donegan. Man, I’m so old and worry so much I can’t remember from whom I learned to worry.