Contoller for coal elevator?

I recently purchased a #6-3291 97 coal elevator (the reproduction) that is missing the controller. Can I substitute a Lionel #6019 contoller for a #97 controller?

I can’t help you on this but want to correct your item # to 6-32921 in case anyone else tries. Good luck.

As an owner of an original No. 97 which I am slowly working on, I can say that while visually similar to the 6019 controller, the controller for the 97 is distinctly different internally. It wouldn’t neccesarily be impossible to wire a 6019 controller to operate the features of the 97, but you wouldn’t be able to operate it like the original. The trouble is mainly in that the mechanism that brings the coal up into the 97 is not operated by a button, but a knob, so that you don’t need to hold down a button to keep the action moving. It’s been a while since I’ve looked at mine, I’ll try to remember to take another look at it and see what else there is to say on it, maybe take some pictures. My inclination is to make your own controller- you need an “on/off” switch for the coal lift, either a knob you can turn to close and open the circuit, or a button that you push once to close, and again to open the curcuit. For the unloading chute, you just need a momentary button. If you were particularly creative, you might be able to re-use the housing of a 6019 controller for the project. Just make sure the switches/buttons you use can handle the ammount of current that the accessory will draw from the transformer.


I have an old 97 Coal Elevator, Did not have the controller. I took apart the controller for a UCS uncouple track. Re-wired the contacts to act as on/off buttons. So, the Left button opens the solenoid for the Un-Load Chute. The Right button for the chain conveyor. You have to hold the button down, but it works fine.


Steve, thanks for the reply. This is precisely what I did, and the results work perfectly.

Thanks to everyone who replied to my original post. These forums are the best way to solve problems. Happy railroading.

You are welcome, Sounds like it worked well. On mine, I mounted the controller to a small board, and attached that to the benchwork near my 97 with a hinge, so you can lift the small control panel when needed. I also added an on/off switch so the buttons are not active unless the switch is on. My grandkids had a habit of bumping into it and coal would spill out of the chute. I also added a door bell button to activate the control rails to dump the car into the bin of the 97.
