convert locomotive form DC to DCC?

i have been missing in action, and apologize for my Tardiness, however not forgotten. Would any of my Forum family be helpful in pointing me inthe right direction for finding information on how to convert a Locomotive from DC to DCC? Once again i Apologize for my Tardiness, and will try not to let it happem again. Hope you all had a lovely winter.

Scroll down on this site to Athearn Conversion, there is a lot of good info and advice on what you want to do.



It would be helpful if you would specify what locomotive(s) you are wanting to convert.



As mentioned, we need to know specifics. Converting a DC loco to DCC can have many degrees of difficulty, from simply removing the shell and plugging in a decoder - to - completely disassembling a loco to isolate the motor electrically and solder in wires to the motor, trucks, and lights.

When I decided to go with DCC a few years ago, one of my first objectives was to grade each loco into how hard it would be for conversion (got help from this Forum to do this). Those locos on the extreme end of difficulty were sold on Ebay. All the others have since been converted.

Hi Calvin!

Welcome Back.

You might want to take some time out and review this site:

Have Fun!

Winter in ‘‘Chiberia’’ was ‘‘burrr’’


regards, Peter




