Converting a Track Plan From one Scale to Another

I have been tinkering with the track plan database and found a few HO Scale plans I like; unfortunatley I model N scale. Has anyone ever tried to convert a plan from one scale to another? Is it as simple as the math implies, or is there more to it? I was just wondering…


Years ago when I was modeling in N scale I divided by two and went from there.

In theory, the simple math would work fine. In most cases the practice would be a bit different.

Everything on the layout can scale directly, at the 87/160 ratio. But, if there are access hatches or aisleways, or any other layout features that involve humans you need to be careful. the humans don’t scale down, so depending on the dimensionsa aisle that was fine in HO, say three feet, would be not so fine in N. Of course it is possible that the need for a particular access hatch or aisle goes away when you scale down, as you might be able to reach from the edge.

The ideal way (in my opinion) to translate a layout plan from HO to N would be to build it at the HO siaze, and just adjust track centers and spacing, and things like that. A layou that had sharp curves now has broad curves!

The most likely way would be to start with you space and draw the features of the HO plan into the space, adapting as required or desired.

Some items scale down, others don’t. Your room size remains the same. The 24" reach of your arm to fix derailments stay the same. Aisle width remains the same. You may want to raise the table somewhat if you want to bring it to eye level. Frankly 40" that Ntrak uses is a good standard for most layouts.

You can use the same curves. A tight 18" in HO scale becomes a nice 19" one. Grade separation only needs 2". THe tunnel may still be 4" inside if you need to retrive any derailed equipment. A 2" ROW would allow the use of a 2track mainline if you wish.

The chief advantage of Nscale is allowing more space for the scenery to become more of a part of the scene. Try not to pack in the track.