Converting Kato HO RS-2 to Non-Sound DCC

I decided that I will not invest lots of $$ (and someone’s effort) to make my DC RS-2 DCC w/sound, but rather just add a non-sound decoder to get my feet DCC-wet (and adding a speaker would be too interesting)! I’ve succeeded in getting off the shell and see the 8-pin spot for a decoder. Questions:

a) in another thread, some recommended the NCE D14SR, alternately TCS DP-2X. Just fine, or do you suggest another will be better?? I know not to go MRC. Preferred vendors (I don’t see it at MBKlein).

b) Dumb question…will the existing (LED, I think) headlights work with a simple decoder without electrical modifications?

c) Another dumb question…I presume the existing jumpers have to be removed to insert the 8-pin decoder.

Thanks for any advice.

For any installation I always look on the TCS website for examples first. I don’t necessarily use their decoders.

No resistors needed, they’re already there.

The TCS decoder will have BEMF, the NCE does not. I’ve been using nothing but TCS in all my non-sound locos. Modeltrainstuff should have them, I’ve gotten a few DP2X’s from them in the past.

It’s physically impossible to plug the decoder in without removing the DC jumpers - so yes, they have to come out to install the decoder. The pics fromt he TCS page should eb pretty self-explanatory. This is a dead easy install, probably takes more time to get the shell off.


Thanks, ordered the TCS, from Walthers as I needed some other things (on sale) and got free shipping. So glad I got the shell off, not as easy as it might be. Thanks for addressing the dumb questions. Will want to try my first consisting (I have NCE if that matters) with the RS2 and my Athearn GP-9 (don’t know how well they will play together).

Could not have dealt successfully with this without the forum, past and current posts. Thanks!