Converting MTH hot metal car

I have 2 mth hot metal/ore cars … the big ins … and want to rip one and build something else on the chassis … any ideas or has anyone else done this or seen any pics or links ?

Ole Timer,

Since, the car can also be used for a M.O.W. car, how about a R.R. M.O.W. scale car.

I don’t know the exact link, but just type in: “Railroad M.O.W. Equipment” and a whole link page appears, to choose from.


Ralph … unbelievable the links that I found from your idea ! I found train cars and equipt . I or probably many never knew ever existed . Not only am I going to convert that hot metal car … but can’t wait to pickup a few more boxcars and others to convert to some no one has ! That’s what I love to do … have the rare or out of the general equipt . THANKS MILLIONS … why all these years I did’nt just type that in and really look long and hard is beyond me … LOL . Now to try and add 20 extra years to my lifespan to get all I need to do done … LOL …

Ole Timer,

You’re welcome and lots of luck and enjoyment with your projects.

Most of the M.O.W. equipment are very interesting and unusual, in my opinion they’re great to have and it’s a shame that more of these items aren’t modled by some of the companies.

Lionel, which I buy, has some, but more is needed.

The M.O.W. equipment, is not only needed, but is unique, especially if operable.

I believe, more people would collect these items in greater numbers, whether operable, or not.

Take Care,


I totally agree … seems they keep selling the same stuff … same road names all the time . But we know why … bigger profits and no retooling or redesigning . The problem is most just keep on buying it … we should slack off for a few months and contact them … then we may see a different approach … but since they’ve bought about everyone else out … we’re probably stuck !

Ole Timer,

We’re on the same track.

These M.O.W. items are various, I didn’t realize the vast number of different equipment that these railways owned/own in M.O.W., other than regular trains, property, etc.

The M.O.W., in itself, is like another, seperate, railroad entity, within a R.R. entity.

Just modeling different M.O.W. items, with different roadnames, would probably not only sell well, but keep these companies in a profitable business.


Ole Timer, for me this is one of the things I love about both the Lehigh Valley Railroad and Conrail. The LV were kings of recycling long before the word became contemporary, often turning cars of one type into another. Usually taking cars no longer fit for mainline revenue service and putting them to work as MOW sorts of cars. The Lehigh has some real odd-ball stuff.

Conrail did much the same, having inherited a large and varied fleet of cars of all sorts from the LV, EL, PC (NYC, PRR, New Haven), Reading, and CNJ. Often times, when Conrail cars are made by one of our 3-rail train makers, they are usually CR blue. Willianms, Lionel, K-Line and MTH have all done this. Yet Conrail had MOW cars of all sorts of colors including yellow, orange, grey, black, a pale greenish-blue, brown and even PC green. Matter of fact there were far more PC green Conrail box cars than the one single experiment CR blue box car that was made… yes there was one single CR blue box car.

Even Conrail experiemented with unique sorts of cars, including flat cars with specially designed containers to carry coal slag and special covers for open hoppers, so they could be converted to material sensitive freight… these are referred to as “Tupperware Covers” and the Chessie also experimented with them.

This is what is cool about the internet - that there are sites devoted to these fallen flags, so one can gleen much from them.

Even being a traditional 027 sort of operator, I get inspiration from reading about these things. I’ve made my own versions of the “Tupperware” tops for some of my 2-bay hoppers.