Converting Peco Electro frog for DCC

My Peco Electrofrogs are glued down and ballasted. I would like to convert , isolate the frog, and use the Hex Frog Juicer to rout power. Can this be done from the TOP side, rather than rip out?

If you used metal rail joiners, you have two options: Remove the turnout so you can change them to insulated joiners if you did not solder; or cut a narrow gap with a Dremel cutoff wheel if you soldered.

Personally, I never solder a turnout into place. A turnout is the only trackwork with moving parts. If anything is ever going to break and need to be replaced, it will be a turnout.

Just use a dremel tool cut disk, to cut the gaps. It takes like 5 minutes. I did that with some turnouts that were already glued and ballasted.

I did so with some of my turnouts.

I’ve used a fine saw - Atlas ? / Roco - to make the cut. Look for more information.
