Why is the Milwaukee Road station at Howard (formerly Fort Howard), Wisconsin, named Cormier and not Howard? I have consulted several Milwuakee Road books in my collection and online and cannot find an answer.
I find the name Cormier of interest. It is an Acadian surname. My Prince (or Le Prince, if you prefer) relatives lived at Rivière-aux-Canards (Duck Creek for you Anglos) which is adjacent to Howard. They were also Acadians. There are limestone quarries near Howard and Pierre Prince, Jr. (my great-great-uncle) and David Cormier owned two of the quarries. I am distantly related to the Cormiers back in Acadia.
I just find it interesting that in this little community of French-Canadians and Métis families there were also Acadians and that one of these Acadians had a Milwuakee Road depot named after him.
As I am modeling this area, I plan to add a linestone quarry to my layout and will perhaps name it after Mr. Cormier. (I already have Prince & Sons Hardward Co.: “All Your Building, Lumber, & Fuel Needs” on the layout).
Any information would be appreciated. Thanks. By the way, can you tell my other hobby is genealogy?