Over the last few years I picked up a number of HO structure kits - mostly Cornerstone - for my new layout. Recently I built the Modern Coaling Tower, Ash Facility, two Diesel Service Facilities, etc. Recently I started in on the Golden Valley Canning Co. kit…
The GVCC kit (#3018) is a bit unique, fairly large, and has a concrete pillar framework with brick walls. I’ve started the painting (custom red/orange brick over cream mortar) and it is coming along just fine.
However, the walls of the kit attach differently from other kits I have built (I go back to the mid - '50s) and frankly even with the foundations (two pieces) for guidelines, I suspect its going to be difficult to get the two story walls to line up properly.
Has anyone built this kit, and if so, what problems did you have and how did you overcome them?
By the way, this is the first kit “of more than a few parts” I have had that does NOT have written instructions. Yes, it has a full page writeup on the canning industry, and some exploded diagrams, but no sequence of construction instructions. I’ve done a lot of kit building and kit bashing so I’ll surely figure it out, but for the “new guy”, this may be an obstacle.
Frankly, the other Cornerstone kits I’ve built seemed to have (IMHO) not the best instructions out there, and if I didn’t know better (?), I would suspect they were written by a non native English tongued individual.