Ok…My layout is not true in width! As in its width goes from 1 foot to 3 foot! rather then use plywood sheets…Could I just use 1 x3 or 1x4 cross-members supports and use 2 inch foam board for my base?
Would I run into any type of problems with this type of base?
Uh, don’t stand on it? No, people do it all the time. Give you a lot of leeway in creating uneven ground and streams.
Check my web site - everything is 1x4 framing with 2" foam on top.
Like Chip says - just don’t stand on it. Or lean too hard on it, you CAN dent the foam. Dropping heavy tools on it is also not good. So long as it isn’t where track will do (causing dips int he track work later), the dents aren’t bad - I’ve never seen real ground that is as flat and smooth as a graded parking lot anyway. Dips and bumps int h ground just make it look better. Dips and bumps in the track though,t hat’s not so good.
It’s not THAT fragile - I don’t mean to scare you away. And the other advantages outweigh the disadvantages, IMO. Easy to use, and it goes together fast.
Thanks…I wont be standing on it! Lets hope the duck tape keeps the kids off it!! LOL…Thanks again!
I have been told that a sub-base of 1/4" plywood would be an advantage both in strength and fot underside mounting of things such as switch machines. I really like the light weight of foam only though. If “foam only”, wouldn’t you need the 1X4’s closer together? That would offset the weight advantage.