Could YOU do it?

Could you convert this:

Broadway Limited B&O QSI Sound

into this:

This has nothing to do with skill. Do you have what it takes to turn the model into a model of the prototype.

I Model B&Pand THIS is a B&Ps switcher–The only NW2. The have a couple SW1500’s that look better, but Atlas doesn’t make them with sound.

I said OTHER because I don’t think I have the painting skills to do it. We’ll see after I finish my MDC RS-3 - although that is a lot simpler paint scheme, everything that comes off the chassis gets Pullman Green, and the Chassis gets black. I don’t think even I can mess this one up.
Just need to find decals for the numbers, I finally have all the parts now that my Run8 window ‘glass’ arrived in the mail today.



So…really all you would be doing is painting it B & P colors, yes? if so, then I have two questions:

  1. Can you purchase one undecorated? (Yep. Just checked their web page)
  2. Can you purcahse “additional” shells?

I would be great if you could “practice” on a beat up junker that’s a close facsimile to the NW2. Cute lil’ thing. I would enjoy having one on my layout but I think it’s later than my era. [:(]

Beware, there is a software bug with some of these. (It should be in the Archive section of BLI News.) The fix is supposed to be a minor one.


The good price is for the B&O. I might pay $30-40 more for the undecorated.

No I would make it look like the prototype. What you see is what I would strive for.


So you’re talking $140-150…and it comes with sound? Hmmmm.

I would still look into the availability of extra shells. That way you can experiment and still have your B & O - if it doesn’t work out well for some reason. However, I have great confidence in your ability, Chip. [:)]


that is the question. Could you take a loco that you paid $140 for and make it look like a rust bucket?


Moot point. They sold out.

I have one of those B&O switchers. They are cute as a button. I would be reluctant to weather them anytime soon.

Braxton Mills makes alot of weathering materials in various colors. They do a good job.

The “second batch” is due out any day now. I have two on reserve at Tony’s. The release date of this batch has already been delayed by BLI once, I hope they really do ship soon.

And, they will both be turned into rust buckets … battle worn and ornery looking. Makes a really nice contrast to the big, shiney road units that visit my little layout.


hey, i love rust buckets! as long as they run well.
something about the personality of a well used good unning veteran machine,
a good non-train example (sorry) is the Peterbuilt in the ol’ flick Duel, the star of that movie if you ask me,
as for locos, give me a million mile diesel or steam loco any day.
good luck trashing these two! bobt

Yes I model the Reading. I pay the $140; strip it; repaint it; decal it; then turn it into a rust bucket!

I voted “Other”, as I would probaly like to run something that expensive for several months before tackling the job of weathering it. But in the long run, yes, I’d do it!!

Sure! It’s just a little weathering…


but…If you’re not confident in your weathering skills, I’d suggest practicing on say an Athearn SW7 shell first.


Only if I was drunk enough, LOL!. Though I admire guys that weather their models, and I think some of the weathering jobs I’ve seen are REALLY spectacular (Aggo for instance), I’d rather have a ‘slightly used’ look to my motive power, but that’s a purely personal preference. I do have one loco I bought on consignment, an SP 2-10-2 ‘deck’ that was beautifully weathered by the former owner, and I’m leaving it as is, but I don’t plan on ‘rusting’ up my other locos. I’ll let them look like they’ve had some running, but also that they occasionally go through the shop.

I have tried weathering in the past. And at this time I’m not interested in weathering.


Could and would. [:D]

I love weathering. What can I say. By the way, where are you getting a BLI switcher for $140?

Internet Model Trains and it was for $125. But like I said they sold out.