
What kind of trucks or couplers do i need to get to update my rolling stock

Welcome to the squirrel cage. Beware of flying nuts.

For the information of those who wish to assist, please answer the following questions:

  • What scale are you asking about?
  • Who manufactured the rolling stock?
  • What kind of trucks and couplers are presently installed?

As you can imagine, the answers for Z scale (1:220) will be quite different from those for 1" scale live steam…

Chuck (modeling Central Japan in September, 1964 - in HOj, 1:80 scale)

Number 5 needs input…iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinput.

David B

If you’re in N scale, which I believe you are, I highly recommend Micro-Trains couplers.

Yes i am in n scale. most of my rolling stock is atlas and bachman. For couplers all i have on them are the factory ones

I can see you while you install a decoder: “disassemble…disassemble…”


David B

NO DISSASSEMBLE! Number five alive!!!

And now back to our regularly scheduled thread…

Having no real knowledge of N-scale couplers, other than the Rapido ones were a pain, and that MT is a spin-off company of Kadee - I can’t really help. However, Kadee couplers are (AFAIK) the de-facto standard in HO scale knuckle coupler designs, and (almost) everyone else makes a (sometimes rather poor) ‘clone’ of the Kadee coupler.

If you are patient, the November issue of Model Railroader has everything you ever wanted to know about knuckle couplers.
