Coverting steam engines to DCC

I need a wee bit of information concerning the conversion of some steam engines that I have recently aquired.

The first one is a Bachmann “Texas Chugger” that I have had for awhile. I wrote to Bachmann and never got a response back.

2nd - a Bachmann 2-8-0 steam that someone converted back to DC. The board is still in the tender.

3rd - A Rivarossi N&W Y6b. The papers that were packed in with engine says that you can use either a DSD -150 or a DSD - 050, but it doesn’t tell you where or how to install the unit. The paper is entitled SoundTraxx DCC.

4th - a Manatua articulated that has a coal bunker for logging. I can see the board but don’t know what needs to be removed in order to get to the board.

My son and I are starting to build our lay out and want to go DCC with Digitratrax (?). If there is any one in or near the Memphis area that any of you gentlemen know please let me know.

My e-mail is

Thank you.


Well if the engine still has a lightboard, see if it has an eight-pin receptacle. If the engine’s working on DC only it probably has a jumper in there. Just remove the jumper and plug in a decoder with an eight-pin plug or one with a 9-pin to 8-pin harness.

With the “chugger” you might need to do a hardwire installation. Not that hard, just be sure the motor is isolated from the frame and connect the wires as indicated in the decoder instructions based on color of the wires.

I would recommend TCS decoders, they work great and are MUCH easier in my experience to program than Digitrax.