Creating clickable links in posts

I used to be able to create links in posts with just the description of the link displayed. But, now that old method doesn’t seem to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


There’s a couple of methods to creating links. For me - the easiest is clicking on the “Insert/edit link” icon above the text box, which is on the 2 line, 4th from the left. Just copy and paste the link’s URL in the Url text box then click OK.

The link will be highlighted in blue but will not be underscored like most hypertext links commonly are. I’ve just gotten into the habit of using the underline icon to also underscore the text after creating the link so that it stands out more.

Unfortunately, this only works for links outside the MR forum. For whatever reason - the forum software won’t allow you to create an intralink to other threads within the MR forums. [:(] It shows up blue but is not clickable.

Hope that helps…


what works for me is to:

  1. type “url” in brackets (no quote marks)
  2. then paste in the thread link (ending in .aspx)
  3. and then type: “/url” in brackets (no quote marks)

The resulting string looks like this (typed text in red, pasted in black):

and works like this:

You can also type in (with no quotation marks) “url=” preceded by a squared bracket, then paste-in the copied link location, followed by another squared bracket.
Next, type-in the words which you wish to appear as the actual link, and follow that with “/url” , also in squared brackets.

Here’s the copied link location of this example…

…and here it is, typed as described above, with the actual thread title, rather than the link data, appearing as the clickable link:

Layout (room) tour, with lots of photos…

I should also mention that the link location shown above in black type, appeared, as I wrote, underlined and in blue, as if it were a working link. Obviously it isn’t, but it can mislead you into thinking that that’s all you need to do.



Well, whataya know! The [url] method works on MR forum intralinks…and it’s underscored. [:O]

Did something change, or has this always worked with this recent (3-4 years) forum upgrade? IIRC, this method sometimes works; sometimes doesn’t…at least, for me…



It has always worked with the brackets since the forum upgrade…a lot of people just didn’t catch the thread that a few forum members explained it on. As far as making any other link clickable, I have been able to do that without using any icon on the bar at top…unless I used Firefox, then it was hit or miss…so I went back to using Chrome and always been able to do it, on any site. copy, paste, hit enter. Alot of people, also forget to click enter. I was using a 10yr. old Acer laptop with XP and was always compatible with any site…when I went to Firefox and XP, It was always hit or miss on any site and I got tired of the freeze-ups and lost posts. I finally broke down and got a new laptop HP with a large memory HD 1080p wide screen that came with Windows 10 and Chrome browser and after using it the last couple of months… I felt as though I was living in the dark ages, with My older Acer and I thought it was fast…had a larger memory installed by My Son, but no way was it as fast as this one! I also don’t know what the big deal about Windows 10 being bad, cause I don’t have any problems with it.

Take Care! [:D]


Oops, I mis-read the original post. I thought you were asking about making links to threads on this site clickable --that’s when I need to use the bracketed url form.

Apparently the forum software doesn’t recognize its own unusual “.aspx” links as valid URLs, so one must use the bracketed url.

For general links, pasting in the link followed by a carriage return works for me virtually every time. Like so:

This works for me with a variety of browsers and Win 10

Maybe it’s been a Firefox issue for me, Frank, because that’s what I’ve been using for years. And it’s only on the MR forum that the clickable links are hit 'n miss.

I agree with you about Windows 10 - I really like it. I jumped from XP to Windows 8 and that was a pretty dramatic. Windows 10 seems to have taken the best of 7 & 8 and combined them into a nicely navigable interface.


I’m using Firefox with XP. It can be a bit slow here sometimes (not always, though), and works just fine elsewhere.
When it gets too slow here, I simply switch to Chrome.


I love the forum software. With each “upgrade”, it further degrades. [(-D]

In our household, we have several laptops. On one of them, when I click ‘Add Quote to your Post’ to begin a reply, nothing happens. [%-)]


I want to thank you guys for the assists. It turns out that the way I had done it in the past works, after all. It helps if you go to the actual page, then copy the CORRECT url. [banghead]

That is what I have been doing since day one here. Always works.


Hello all,

Dang! That works!!!

Thank you!