Crestline Ohio Roundhouse Visit

I was in Crestline Ohio today and went to see the old roundhouse that is there. Boy, its in bad shape. I couldn’t belive how huge the thing is!!!

This is from the road out front

From inside the roundhouse

A nice algea filled pond where the turntable was

Its a shame this place is rotting away. With the amount of damage from neglect, I don’t think it can be saved.

WOW. That’s beautiful. That’s very sad to see a magnificent piece of American industry slowly rotting away. I guess I can feel fortunate that there is still a working roundhouse and recently improved turntable not all that far away from me, in Janesville, WI.

That’s sad.

At least it doesn’t look like tis one (or lack thereof)


Much better

A good history, and at least they are trying.

Wow, I had no idea it was in such terrible shape, I probably last saw it up close twenty years ago and that’s how I thought of it. Until now. . .

Just who is responsible for dilapitated old buildings, can you just walk away from large industrial sites and leave them to rot? surely someone is responsible, if not, I’m moving to Ohio and setting up some ugly factories then leaving and letting the people of Ohio stare at this eyesore and end up paying to clean up the site, someone IS responsible.

Long live the PRR, may she rest in piece(s).

Originally posted by tatans

Just who is responsible for dilapitated old buildings, can you just walk away from large industrial sites and leave them to rot? surely someone is responsible, if not, I’m moving to Ohio and setting up some ugly factories then leaving and letting the people of Ohio stare at this eyesore and end up paying to clean up the site, someone IS responsible.

Responsible for what??


Responsible for the depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer in S.W. Kansas, just like the question of “responsibility” asks.