Crestwood loads 1,000th unit train at Bakken transload hub

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Crestwood loads 1,000th unit train at Bakken transload hub

“North Dakota recently surpassed a major milestone of one million barrels of crude production per day,” says Ron Ness

At 42 gallons per barrel in VERY rough terms:

  1. You could almost fill a tank that was 500’ x 500’ x 22.5’ tall in one day.

  2. If you put the oil in gallon milk containers, put 4 jugs in a milk crate, and laid the crates end to end starting from Grantville, PA along I-80 / PA turnpike / I-70 / I-44 / I-40…your last crate would be in Flagstaff, AZ. And to do that in one day you would have to lay the crates at the speed of approximately 90 MPH (worse than Lucille Ball trying to keep up with the conveyor in a chocolate factory :slight_smile: