I enjoyed the article on realism in the new MR. But it remined me… How does one (or do we at all?) have a real honest critical discussion with another modeller? I am not talking about finding fault and carping, and surely do not mean to embarass anyone, but when I see some of these amazing layouts in the mag, I sometimes see things I see as glaring. Such as a highly detailed structure, that is obviously a box sitting on the scenery - that tell-tale gap around the bottom. Could I do better? Probably not, but I wonder does that modeller see it that way and ignores it, or maybe plans to correct it later? Perhaps he sees it, but finds something else a galring error, but I don’t even notice. Perhaps I might ask someone what he sees as things he’d do better or different if rebuilding a layout. That doesn’t point at anything.
I am not a rivet counter, I don;t care if you use a red stop sign in 1940 or a wig/wag crossing sign in present day. You want a TGV screaming across MOntana, go ahead, I’m all for it. But “How did you choose that fencing material, Joe? The holes in it appear to be about a foot across in scale?” I never know if a locomotive is two feet too short, but it catches my eye that many loco handrails appear to be the diameter of a melon, or the size of a guy’s head.
And I note that internet discussions are terrible, so many people are instant to anger if you cross them. But in face to face. Can you visit a club layout and ask if there was discussion about some level of detail. I am sure in every club there are people more stickler than others over various things. Maybe asking about something gets a “we wondered if anyone else ever thought about that detail.” On the other hand that may be a huge breach of ettiquette. For the record, I have not put anyone in the situation, I am not writing after some incident.
I set out to write