I remember when I first became a member a few years ago back when I was still “wjc09a” (i like the new username better). Anything that was posted normaly stayed on the first page of the list for up to a week at times. Now when you look for replies to your topic from an hour or more ago your searching back 3-4 pages to find it. (exept for realy popular post.
Is it a sign of the forums popularity or time for more catagories?
red, In the last year that I have been a member I have seen this kind of thing happen but it is in waves sometimes busy sometimes not. I realize I dont have much to offer the forum yet as I am still learning so I have come to realize that my posts will get pushed aside for a while. Once I make a name for myself I think that will change.
Polizi is right. I’ve noticed it to. Something I would like to see graphed is the money the LHS make in a given month compared to the “traffic” the forums see. My guess is warm weather not much traffic on the forums or the LHS but com efall and winter things start to pick up. Time of day is another thing that will make the forum busy. Post after work or during work(for those who can get away with it) and posts will move quickly to the second page. Post late at night like i am now and post will stay on the front page longer
Remember too that we have many folks from “across the pond” posting here too. When its after work in Great Britain, those of us in the United States are at work, for the most part. I also agree with the statements above that it goes in waves. I believe that the subjects posted spur replies and more posts too.
When you have almost 200,000 people worldwide,
it is bound to seem crowded. This can mean that
there are that many people worldwide who enjoy
discussing about trains to the vast world audience.
I myself am a rare user,occasionally I will post, others I
will only read . This topic looked interesting, so I answered.
I have also noticed alot of “sleeper” members.
When I refer to a “sleeper” member I mean that these members have
been in the forum for quite a while yet post very rarely or have faded
away without withdrawing their user name.
I have notice what I thought where some new names,but after looking at
their joined date, it seems they have been around but have just recently
become very active. I guess some people take awhile to get out of the gate[:D]. Dave
Out of the 200,000 members on this website only a few hundred or few thousand actually post. The others most likely joines just so they could get to “member only” pages.
It’s still summer too so the younger members are still here in high numbers. Once the school’s are back in the volume will likely slow down a tad. Mind you with such a diverse age and country of origine spectrum the forums have , there is a great deal of wonderfull info being shared. Rob
I havent been a member long, nor have I been in model rr long (about 1 1/2 years). I view different topics on this forum to get ideas on building/running etc. I feel I dont have enough experience to contribute much to the discussions yet, but have posted a time or two on things I know a little about. I am sure I will increase posting as I learn more. Meanwhile, thanks to all you fellow rr s ourt there for the advice and lessons.