First off, lets get something straight. I like all railroads, regardless of politics. I try my best to avoid bashing threads, so lets keep this one clean and fun. The below sight is crazy. I don’t know if this has been posted before, but I just could not pass this one up. There is some “naughty” words on this site, so beware if easily offended.
I too stumbled on this site, while I thought some of the pictures are great, I find the commentaries pretty slanted, looks like a disgruntled employee/website.
Looks like CSX tried to shut him down and either lost or messed up in trying to do so.
Not my favorite site but gotta love th shot of the switcher that a switch go thrown midway over that one truck went straight and the trailing truck took the switch putting one loco on two tracks.
a CSX fan
Don’t jump the gun so fast here. I’ve seen this site before. It actually has support from many CSX employees. (Yes, I know people that work for the corporation.)
One important thing we all have to remember. There is a huge difference between our perspectives as modelers and railfans, and the experiences that many professional railroaders are going through.
CSX is like any American corporation.
It offers a viable service, employs thousands of people, and has its share of problems. A lot of these problems, while some are caused by employees themselves, stem from a perceived lack of leadership on top and the way priorities are addressed. The perception for many employees is that upper management does not value them or prioritize the problems they face. That stockholders are first priority, with safety and maintenace 2nd and 3rd. While this may not be true, remember, perception is what people keep in mind constantly! A good example are the filthy toilets that are found in some of CSX’s modern locomotives. This was not a common problem with SCL and Chessie System, but when mergers take place some shops are closed, and certain services are reduced or cut out in the name of “Efficiency”. Now add to this that when former chairman John Snow left CSX, he collected a couple of million dollars in compensation. Perfectly legal, yes, but tell that to the locomotive crews with unsanitary bathrooms on heavy locomotives that travel over lines that receive “bare minimum” track maintenance! What would you expect them to think?
There is an issue with Mid-level managers in CSX’s rail transportation sector. These are the ones responsible for day to day operations. While most middle level managers are likely positive hardworkers, there are some that have arrogant attitudes that seem to enjoy abusing authority. The stories of some managers that sadistically look forward to “writing up” or firing workers are not exaggerated. But, a
I’ll keep it calm, but that is quite rude!! I have been to this site before and they just insult CSX up down and around! Hopefully that site shuts down!!
I have no illusions that there are not problems with any company and CSX is not immune. The web site has its good points and it allows the worker to post there points, The site also seams to have a dark side and crosses the line of good taste in some areas but he is allowed freedom of speech. I for one will exercise my right to not support him.
My last problem is his pictures area that shows train collisions with cars and other trains he states his opinion on them yet puts no facts as to who was at fault he seamed to imply that they were all CSX fault.
When the issues addressed go away the web site will vanish. Do NOT hold your breath waiting for that to happen, because you will turn blue!! Too many of todays corporations are run on military expectations, when asked to jump employess are expected to holler “How high sir!” Too much “seagull” management, flapping in, squaking at everyone, craping all over and then flapping out (did I mention their asking questions, or solisting suggestions? Must not be part of the model)
yes the photos there are pretty cool lots of them, I just was not into the whole spin on everthing it almost looked as if the webmaster was saying if there were a flood in mississippi that the evil CSX made it happen. Almost all companies today care less about there employees and more about there projected earnings. In many cases yes the employee is the scarificial lamb. If this guy spent as much time doing something positive instead of the negitive boy I wonder “what a wonderful world it would be”
Thank you. I didn’t think I was coming across clearly as I was thinking at high speed!
Polizi and Chessiefan, pretty realistic comments. The corporate world, in general, is ice cold. Even when doing charitable work, the underlying reason is tax breaks and positive publicity, not necessarily the goodness of the heart. UP recently paid for some kids (Boyscouts?) to attend the circus. Good PR and a tax break. Should we condemn UP for it? Of course not, though some will.
We just have to recognize that this is business…it’s profit driven, cold, hot, manipulative, rewarding, harsh, and challenging. The difference is made when individual employees, whether management or worker, do the right things just because it’s good. This makes a company shine and the individuals even more.
It’s unrealistic to think that the CSX sucks website is going anywhere. To be fair, I would strongly suggest to the gentleman that runs the site to post any significant positive changes that CSX makes as well.
Thank you yes the corprate world is ice cold and driven by the dollar but this is the buisness environment of todays world, I agree maby the gentlemen who owns that should post some positive items after all acording to the stuff he has there they are paying for it. I like the look of the CSX equiptment as well as others. what can you do its not like the old days when you could take someone like that out behind the barn and give them a good ol fashioned a** whoopin.
In fact, I worked during the end of that era where if you were indeed a screwball or a nasty idiot that made life hard for other employees, you might have had a few of “your brethren” take you to a corner and give you a “little talk” not necessarily physical, but darn close. AT that moment the supervisor might suddenly find something to do…like walk outside and check his fingernails. After 1984, that pretty much dissappeared where I worked at.