I’m trying to paint up a Kato SD40-2 with working ditch lights in CSX’s latest paint colors. Could anyone tell me what kind of blue and yellow to use and what brand? The guys at my LHS didn’t know.
I don’t model CSX and once done I might consider selling it on EBay. I purchased the unit with the idea to paint it up as MRL’s only true SD40-2 #250 but now Athearn RTR has come out with a very nice model that I am just going to purchase. I picked CSX because they probably won’t come out with it.
Polly-Scale makes the paint ,The colours you need are CSX New Image Gold and CSX New Image Blue.There may be other brands but the are the ones that I use.
Would you guys know the number for those paints? I have been to two of my LHS and both don’t have the paint and can’t find it either.
I was painting another engine yesterday with some Floquil ATSF Blue (Didn’t come out like Santa Fe’s blue, even after 4 coats) and it kind of looks like it could match the CSX Blue.