“The type of operations that are going in there are going to be very different than folks were used to with the intermodal operations,” said CSX spokesman Bryan Tucker. “It will be what we call a TRANSFLO facility.”
This still leaves the former Tilford Yard as a big real estate development play. There is a lot of development already taking place to the north and west of Tilford and I’d not be at all surprised if this area becomes the next “Atlantic Station” style development in Atlanta.
Transflo is a business unit of CSX - it is not outsourced. Transflo employees ARE NOT covered by Railroad Retirement. This is a business tactic the Class 1 carriers have been pursuing for over 30 years. Set up ‘side companies’ that can be deemed as not being ‘railroad’ jobs and the carriers then don’t have to pay RRB retirement amounts and can instead pay the lesser SSA amounts.
Similar tactics have been used with Payroll personnel, Real Estate Personnel, Computer personnel and every other department the can be configured OUTSIDE the RRB requirements. Employees in their 20’s think it is great, as they will get more take home - when they age into their 60’s it will kick them right in their RETIREMENT.
You honestly think RRB is going to survive that long? Between outsourcing, PSR, and many guys that will have to go out on disability later in life(the easy retirement yard/local jobs are a thing of the past), etc.
That’s if some piece of crap politician doesn’t get to it first.
Somehow the NIMBYs and BANANAs will start a witchhunt with the noise and light police.
Placement in the center of town makes perfect sense. Most of the end users are nowhere near a rail spur. (and most of those that have spurs don’t take care of those spurs anyhow, ignoring the duties of a track owner conne
It may be CSX did not want the property to be infil housing ? A few weeks ago there was talk of using part of the property as a new Amtrak and possible HSR station. That might work but only if enough land availale N - S for installing a E - W ballon track . The station could have been 1 - 2 miles east of downtown close to the MARTA line stations.
[quote user=“BaltACD”]
Yes it was a big incentive when NS opened a new Intermodal Yard in Maple Hts Ohio about 12 years ago. Many of the “Container Jockeys” are indeed Minorities who live nearby in a longtime declining suberb of Cleveland and come from the inner city. But as far as I know they work for “Container Port” and not NS. This was a problem that Railway Express Agency had when there workers were classified as railroad employees and not trucking employees. A series of strikes put them under as having higher labor costs then UPS. REA could have survived the containerisation that UPS and Fed Ex morphed into. REA in the 1970s was moving a lot of its stuff by air .
IMHO it definitely makes sense to “outsource” this.
Transflo is a business unit of CSX - it is not outsourced. Transflo employees ARE NOT covered by Railroad Retirement. This is a business tactic the Class 1 carriers have been pursuing for over 30 years. Set up ‘side companies’ that can be deemed as not being ‘railroad’ jobs and the carriers then don’t have to pay RRB retirement amounts and can instead pay the lesser SSA amounts.
Similar tactics have been used with Payroll personnel, Real Estate Personnel, Computer personnel and every other department the can be configured OUTSIDE the RRB requirements. Employees in their 20’s think it is great, as they will get more take home - when they age into their 60’s it will kick them right in their RETIREMENT.