CTT Article on adding DCS to TMCC

Does anyone recall any articles in CTT about combining DCS and TMCC?

I’m looking to add DCS to my existing TMCC system and want to make my purchase on EBAY, but would like to learn more before I bid on anything.


You will need at least one TIU and one remote control unit. These are sold as a set, MTH part number would be 50-1001.

Dec 2007, pg 86 CTT

Chuck - Thanks for the info. I found my Dec-2007 issue pg 86 - There it was! Perfect. I’ll read it yet tonight.

From a guy who lives in Plymouth to another guy who lives in Plymouth - Thank you.


If the seller doesn’t state which model DCS system ask him to check the TIU. A Rev H is the more desireable. The first batch that still may work perfectly well was a Rev G. The H’s feature blade type fuses inside as well as a few other changes. The latest DCS setup I purchased also features a much improved thumbwheel. The knurled portion is much coarser and easier to turn. Try to purchase the latest version if you have a choice. On the secondary market around 225 would be a good price. Much more and you may as well go new.

Hi Brad,

Do yourself a favor and DON’T read the article in the Dec. '07 issue. That article lead to long threads here and on other forums. The author, Pete Riddle, is not well informed on using command control. His wiring scheme adds complexity and doesn’t allow you to run DCS and TMCC on the same track at the same time.

If you’re already running TMCC, just add the MTH TIU (track interface unit) between the your transformer and track. If you have large layout there will some additional considerations. If you have any trouble the best place to get info is here: forum dedicated to DCS. My best advice for any new user for either DCS or TMCC is to set up a small test loop and play with the system until your comfortable with how it “should” run. That way you’ll be able to recognize abnormal behavior when you add the system to your layout.


I have a simple 4x8 - usually run 1 train at a time - no multiple engines running at the same time (at least for the moment).

I have a Lionel LW supplying my power to the Command Base and I use the Cab-1 to control my only TMCC engine.

I now have a MTH-DCS engine and obviously want to control it with the DCS system to enjoy it’s full affects.

I’ll check out that forum link - Thanks!



I keep thinking that in my “free-time” I’m going to figure out how to run either a Lionel TMCC engine or an MTH DCS controlled engine on a simple loop of track. Well, the weekends come and go and I just don’t seem to get around to figuring this out. True this is a busy time of year - leaves to be raked, winterizing stuff, etc. I’m just trying to learn as much about combining these two systems before I actually try doing it.

If I told you that all I wanted to do was to run either a Lionel TMCC engine or an MTH DCS controlled engine on a simple loop of track and that you had the following items at your disposal:

  • Lionel Power-House-180-WATT

  • Lionel TMCC Command Base

  • Lionel Power Master

  • Lionel TMCC TPC Cable Set


  • MTH DCS 50-1001 – TIU and DCS remote

  • Lionel LW transformer plus two 1033s if needed

  • how would you set it up using the DCS remote to run both? If this is a loaded ques

If you are only running Command equipped engines in Command Mode and aren’t concerned about using one controller (aka DCS to control the PS-2 loco’s and CAB-1 to control the TMCC equipment) just connect the Power House to the TIU and the Antenna wire from the command base to one of the outside rails on the layout. That’s it, done.

If you need to control conventional loco’s or want to try and run the TMCC engines from DCS, things get more complicated. The PowerMaster can only be addressed by the CAB-1. DCS can control conventional engines but this isn’t its strong point. DCS can emulate basic TMCC commands.

The two systems use entirely different technologies that will co-exist on a layout with little or no problems assuming the layout is wired properly. If you use the systems seperately you can enjoy all of the features of each particular system without compromise.


In the diagram below - if I replace the transformer with my Lionel Powerhouse - that should work, right?

Again - I do not intend to run the two systems together. I would be running them separately.

One other thing, I will also want to run postwar locos like my 2046 and my 2065. That should still work too, right? … I’m assuming via the TMCC system for them.

Does Radio Shack sell DPDT switches?

Thanks for the help.

That will work.

You can just run the TIU in passive mode and eliminate the extra toggle switches if you just intend to use DCS to control PS-2 loco’s in command mode. The PM/Command base can provide power for conventional and TMCC command control and the TIU just provides the DCS command signal for your PS-2 loco’s.


First - thanks a lot for your suggestions. One more question for you.

Do you know how each of the following would be used?

  • Lionel TMCC TPC Cable Set

Thank you!!!

The TMCC/TPC cable is just a serial communications cable. The TPC’s do not have built in radio receivers so they get “echoed” commands over the DB-9 computer port.

The TIU/TMCC cable also uses the DB-9 port on the Command Base. There are issues with connecting a TIU/Commnad Base/TPC together. The TIU needs to send TMCC commands to command base to control Lionel engines in command mode. The issue is that the wiring of this cable tends to block the ability of the Command base to send echo commands to the TPC (and other former IC Controls devices like the ASC/ARC/whatever) unless you have a cable that allows this. Most of the default cables don’t allow for this.

Radio Shack does sell lots of types of DPDT switches:
