CTT at WGH show in N.J. this weekend

Hi everyone,

If you’re going to the World’s Greatest Hobby train show in Edison, NJ, this weekend stop by and say hello – I’ll be there both Saturday and Sunday.

Neil Besougloff
editor, CTT

This is the weekend I do the Ocean Grove show…maybe next time.

Neil, is this show going to be a traveling show? If so, are other locations and dates been selected?

You are always welcome at Rogers Corner’s, Ohio but the old barn may be a little small for a world show. In fact, it may be too small for a township show.

Hello Neil ! Will the world’s greatest train show come to Cleveland,Oh sometime in the near future.? There are a multitude of Lionel,Flyer,M.T.H. Collectors in Greater Cleveland/Akron area.Just a thought…Keith.

I’m completely ignorant about this show - anyone have a link to it?

Hi guys,

There are only four World’s Greatest Hobby shows scheduled for this winter – New Jersey, Denver, St. Louis, and Long Beach, Calif. The details are on wghshow.com.

These events are different from the regular Greenberg/GATS shows. Much more interactive with the public and geared toward newcomers. More emphasis on layouts instead of only tables of trains and related items. Also kids rides, demonstrations, and even a live band.

This is a new type of show, so its success at these four cities will determine plans for the future. It’s not a Kalmbach-organized show, but we are one of the sponsors of WGH so we are involved in the program.

From our end of the hobby, Atlas O, MTH, K-Line, MRC (transformers), Semafor/ETS, and I think Ross Custom Switches will be there along with other O gauge companies and retailers (sorry that I’m missing some of you, I don’t have a complete list). I don’t know if Lionel is planning to attend. Atlas O and MRC have been WGH program sponsors since day one.

HO and N manufacturers will be there, too. Also, there will be operating layouts ,including a DCS demo group with a modular layout, something called “Choo Choo Charlie the Railroad Robot” and the Walt Disney Railroad Story traveling exhibit.

I’m scheduled to give a talk on Saturday and Sunday at 11 am on the topic of “toy train technology.”

Neil Besougloff
editor, CTT

I was wondering if there will be O gauge vendors/train shops selling trains and rolling stock there. I thought it might be more geared towards HO and N scale. I am looking for O gauge products and thought maybe someone can tell me if O gauge will be sold there. Thank you

Neil, please be sure to break away from your booth at some point and come see our DCS demo. We’ll be opposite the MTH booths with a 20’ octagonal hirail modular layout.

Ciao, Dave

I noticed the WGH advertisement in today’s Newark Star-Ledger. There was also a nice puff piece four page pull out section devoted to the model train hobby in the Ledger’s Friday’s weekend section, that mentioned the WGH event; however, I didn’t see a mention of the show in either the Asbury Park Presss. The Record and other major NJ newspapers.

Adult admission is $9, and although childrens’ admission is free, $9 is kind of steep
when you consider it’s going to cost $18 for mom and dad to bring their little ones to the show.


Bingo! That was a major reason in not going - when Linda learned the cost of admission, well, fagedaboutit! $9 is a little steep - I think $5 is a much more reasonable price. I’d love to take Tyler there next year, if he’s still into trains.

Heh, I posted a quick review of it in the Model Railroad forum Saturday Afternoon (I went Saturday morning)

My summation was that it was a pretty decent show, but certainly not the end all/be all the advertising made it out to be. And there was (for me at least), a paucity of manfacturers. Nice modular layouts, however.
And what was with all the S Scale?

Interestingly the train show that I attened last weekend in Columbus had an S Scale layout. Lately I have been seeing more and more S scale layouts at shows. The layouts are very good, but touch small for S Scale.