CTT back cover mystery ad

Has anyone else noticed the mystery company advertising on the latest back cover of CTT? While they have a phone number they seem to have no company name, no address and no website.

Bruce Webster

That would be Williams, I believe.

I’m so used to seeing Williams’ ads in CTT that I didn’t even notice that there wasn’t any mention of the company name in that ad. Good observation, Bruce!

I saw that today at the hobby shop. Somebody (inside ad person or outside agency) is frying on the bar-b-que.

Being in the advertising business, I wouldn’t mind pitching that account. Heck, I’d work for trains.

Well maybe I would take partial payment in trains. [:D]

Well, it had that “Williams look”, so I glanced at the advertiser index, and yes. Odd though. Joe

Their name is on the ad in the Nov issue!

I probably wouldn’t have noticed this either. I don’t think it is a really big deal, though, as the majority of the people the ad is targeted at would know that it is for Williams.

It does look like someone messed up and forgot the logo on the artwork.

No Problem… If it looks like a 50’s Lionel Catalog It’s Williams [:-^]

It’s amazing over the years how I’ve noticed little mistakes like this happening. Even more obvious is when catalog photos show trains that aren’t even on the track correctly… both K-Line and MTH have done that one. Or product features listed under Lionel items are incorrect (locos listed as having dual motors that have one, and vise-versa). Or photos that show cars with die-cast sprung trucks, yet come with plastic ones (and vise-versa). And I always notice size discrepencies or dimension inaccuracies in the MTH catalogs… of course, being a traditionally sized 027 operator, size is imperative, so I do take note of item dimensions.

The two “mistakes” I’ve noticed in my short time in the hobby was a K-Line catalog (current one) that shows a starter set with the trailing truck of the loco off the track, and the Lionel catalog from last year that shows the Polar Express set with different (better) 6 wheeled trucks instead of the 4 wheeled trucks it comes with. If you really want to get picky, the PWC Lionel whistle tender pictured in last year’s catalog has a different font than what was actually produced. No harm, no foul in my opinion.


These errors are all part of the dumbing down of our civilization. Before spell check we actually had proof readers. Mrs. T Rex had that type education and she often points out errors in magazines… She’s the one who clued me in to this trend as I’m Okay in Science but lousy in English [D)]

I don’t think there is anything new about this. Lionel long ago had the black Santa Fe F3, the “SW2”, and the “Sager Place”, to mention a few.

Smart advertising…getting lots of attention.

CTT has a back page?!? [;)]