CTT Index On-line

CTT has published indexes of the articles covered since the magazine started in 1987. The indexes covering 1987 to 1994 are included in issues of CTT magazine. Subsequent year indexes are located on this site at the addresses below. These can be searched by topic using your browser “Find” feature.

I find these very useful in locating repair and maintenance topics covered in previous topics. I have all issues since the primere issue in 1987.

If anyone finds an article on the indexes that may be of help and does not have a copy of that issue of CTT, I would be happy to respond with the substance of the article. Post a topic and the index reference and I will try to respond as soon as possible.







Tim P.

Links to the above CTT indexes are can be found by clicking on “Toy Train Basics” on the Classic Toy Trains magazine page. They are currently listed at the end of the list of topics.

Tim P.

It appears that the indexes are being added in Acrobat file format to the Website as I write.

These new formatted indexes are accessible from the CTT magazine home page under References at the left side of the screen.

1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999 had been added as of a few moments ago.

These can be printed out and kept as a personal resource or the files can be opened and searched or downloaded and searched on your own system.

Tim P.